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I saw him get carried into an ambulance. Tears were flowing down my face. The police had contacted his nearest relative (Namjoon.) and he was probably speeding his way down right now.

I followed him into the ambulance sitting on one of the seats next to him. His hair bounced up and down. His breathing mask becoming condensed with every small breath. I ran my hand through my hair sighing. Tapping my foot anxiously against the ambulance floor.

This is all my fault, isn't it?

His face was pale blue. His small body under wraps and tubes running under the covers to his lungs.

Please, save this boy.

The guilt was so overwhelming I started thinking differently. That If I wasn't here. This wouldn't have happened.

The ambulance started to slow down Namjoon waiting outside the hospital. They pulled him out on a stretcher and started to run along the wheels clattering on the marble floor. Namjoon clung to the side sprinting. A deeply worried expression on his face. People moving out the way and going onto the side.

"Please let go." A doctor said. "He needs emergency surgery."

Namjoons grip tightened on the stretcher.

"SIR. HE NEEDS EMERGENCY SURGERY, HE'S LOSING OXYGEN QUICKLY." He doctor said more firm and worried.

Namjoon backed off, he put both of his hands on his head. The doctors took him into a surgery room and switched the red light on.

"I- 'm sorry, Namjoon. It's all my fault. Blame me." I said tears coming out on each word.

He grabbed me by my collar lifting me up. "You know what, It is your fault." He let go making my body fall back to the chair.

But he's right.

We were sat there for what felt like was years. You could feel the tension between everybody in the hospital. You could hear a pin drop at any moment.

The door opened. A sad face of the surgeon came out.

"I-I'm sorry." He said.

That's all he needed to say. He's dead, and it's all my fault.

"We couldn't save him, he died on the table." He continued.

Namjoon burst out in tears. "This, this has to be a dream. Please, somebody, wake me up."

"Sir, would you like to see him?" The surgeon said putting his hand on his shoulder.

"P-please." He said.

I and Namjoon walked in to see Sung-woo with his eyes closed. His face pale. The long beep of the heart monitor drove me insane.

I fell to my knees, Namjoon held his small hand.

"I-I'm so sorry. Sung-woo... I'm so sorry." I whimpered out on the floor.

I could see Namjoons back going up and down, loud sobs left his mouth his head buried in his chest. We sat there morning for hours.

"I'm sorry but times up..." The doctor said.

"B-bye Sun-sung-woo..." Namjoon sighed. "I love you."

The ride home was quiet. Awkward, you could feel the sadness radiating from person to person.

End of flashback/dissociation

caramel macchiato ⇢ ksj | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now