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You crossed my hands over your breasts shivering at the thought of that mans touch. You walked over to Yoongi putting on a slight smile, you held the bag in your left hand. He put his hand on your shoulder.

"You got everything?" He looked at you, his blue hair covering his eyebrows. You swooped it out the way.

"Yeah, now lead me to the studio!" You smiled clutching your bag. You walked through seeing 2 other boys. You bowed. They bowed back.

"Ahh, it's Y/N nice to see you again!" Hobi pointed at you. You laughed,

"Yeah what comic did you choose in the end?"

"Megan got Jams." He smiled.

"Be sure to return it or my boss will kill me."

"Wahh, how do you balance being an idol and working part-time." V's mouth fell open.

"I always have to be doing something, I hate just sitting around." You shrugged. Yoongi's arm still around you. He looked at you,

"Wanna go into the studio now?", Yoongi looked down at you. You nodded.

He sat down in the spinny chair next to the keyboard and several computers screens.

"So what you do think the base story of the song is going to be?" He looked at you right in the eyes,

"I was thinking a couple meeting for the first time and in spring," You looked at the blank screen.

"So you want me to sing on it?"He asked.

"That's what I was hoping," You laughed.

"I was thinking, annyeongiran insado hagi jeonieossna bwa "

(I think it was even before we said hi because there was just something different about you.) He nods,"mhmm. Let me try something," He dragged and drops things onto the song mixing program. He played it.

You shuffled over a bit and changed the pitch of the bass. You could feel his hot breath on my ear. You pushed your chair back, thankfully he couldn't see me for the lighting.

You scratched your head and he went into the recording room. He sang the beginning line. He put his thumbs up.

You carried on writing the song, getting quite tired. You had only slept for about 3 hours and weren't very energized after the whole event. You kept trying to cover up your collarbone so Yoongi wouldn't worry. He kept crossing out and changing lyrics with your permission. You took turns singing in the recording room. You stretched out in your seat. He played the melody for you, with a few of the lyrics you had recorded with him.

You spread your head on the desk. Sleep falling over you.

Yoongi's POV

I looked over at the desk after fiddling with the melody. I saw Y/N sleeping peacefully. I smiled at her but noticed something out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bruise on her collarbone. I looked closer and saw a hickey... I ignored it. She must already have somebody for her, I sighed. Laying down my head next to her. I faced her. Smiling. I closed my eyes. I heard her whisper something in her sleep.

"donht stoppp..." She was rustling her head. In quite a scared voice. I put my arm around her and shuffled closer. She stopped mumbling.

You and Yoongi (but on a desk lmao)

You and Yoongi (but on a desk lmao)

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Jin's POV

I walked into the studio with 3 pots of hot noodles. To see Yoongi's nose pressed up against hers, his arm around her, their heads laying on the table, my heart aches to look at them both, Is she happy like that? I sighed and left the covered pot noodles in front of them both.


The slam of the door made your eyes open. You were alright until you the hot breath of somebody right on your face. Your eyes focused. You blushed so hard right that second. Yoongi was about 3cms away from you. Your eyes opened wide.

"AAH YOU'RE SO CLOSE." You wriggled.

"Wha?" Yoongi dazed.

"AHH- " He covered his mouth. Obviously blushing.

Jungkook walked in,



"IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" Yoongi yelled back. At this point, they were both standing up.

"Then what happened Yoongi!" He stood.

"We fell asleep like that!" He yelled.

"Also hi Y/N I'm a big fan" Jungkook smiled and bowed.

"Can we just get back to recording my song?" You yawned.

-- Lmao don't mind me

also should Yoongi confront her about her hickey? COmment mY duDes also sorry these are so long i get carried away

caramel macchiato ⇢ ksj | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now