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You drove back to their apartment. Jungkook, Tae, and Yoongi were standing there waiting for me. They hopped in their company's van, Yoongi driving.

"So where do you want to shoot?" Jungkook asked.

An idea bell rang in your head. "I know this really nice flower field?"

"OOOh yeaahhh!" Tae replied.

Yoongi clutched the gear. "Sure give me the directions."

You pulled my phone from my bag and put the address in. Tae was sitting next to Yoongi as you and Jungkook were sitting in the back.

"Want the radio on Y/N?" Tae said.

"Sure? Why ask me though?" You said.

You saw him blush as he turned back around.

"Ohh I know what we should put on!" Tae said fiddling with the songs.

He put on your debut song, you started laughing.

"I remember this! I stayed up for about 40 hours just to actually get the lyrics right!"

Jungkook started waving his hands around in the air with Tae and you. Jungkook belting the lyrics.


You saw Yoongi laugh and cringe. "IT'S SO CRINGY AHH Y/N WHO ARE YOUUUU"

You laughed. "HAHAHA, I wrote this thinking of someone that's probably why it's so bad."

It went silent. Jungkook and Tae ooo'd.

"AHHH SHUSSSHHSHSHHH!" You scolded them.

"It was my old boyfriend. Ooooffff... BUT! It's in the past and I've been single ever since" You shivered thinking about Hoseok.

"You're single?" Taehyung winked.

"AHHH Y/N DATED!" Jungkook yelled. You covered your ears.


"Y/N had a boyfriend. Y/N had a boyfrriieenndd." Tae teased.

"Yoongi you've known her since debut do you know anything? We wann da inffooo" Jungkook said hovering over his seat.

"I know she had a boyfriend, but she's never told me about him." Yoongi shrugged. "She's really secretive when it comes to her life before debut, all I know that they broke up because they ended up never talking and kind of drifted apart.

Your heart shattered thinking about your childhood. "Ahh, but it's for a good reason."

"I don't actually think she's ever opened up to anyone about her life before debut must be pretty personal...But that's why I don't ask you see" Yoongi said still focusing on driving.

"She's never even told me." He continued.

Jungkook put his hand on mine and I stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. You saw Yoongi look up into the mirror and then your hands. You saw an angry expression on his face.

There was an awkward silence the song looped. You started to stare out the window and started to have flashbacks of your childhood.


You were sitting in the corner of your room crying your eyes out looking at a blue and purple bruise on your hip. You heard yelling from another room.




You heard glass smashing and then screaming. You heard a door slam followed by sobbing.

E/O flashback

You shivered thinking of it. You felt your eyes watering and quickly wiped them making sure nobody saw you. The van took a stop and Yoongi said.

"We're herreee!"

You grabbed your camera. Hopping out the van.

It was a nice quiet place with no people in sight. Calming, blossoms fell from trees onto a pond.

"Ahhhh, over there!" You pointed towards a sunflower patch. Jungkook went climbing around in the trees and then finding one to sit on.

"Let's gooooooooo!" Tae yelled running.

Jins POV

They had already left.
Yoongi left with them to make sure they didn't get in trouble. Jimin went out for dance practice along with Hobi. I was left to clean their dishes, I heard the door unlock.

Has somebody forgotten something?
I turned my head to see Namjoon at the door with an angry but yet a sad expression. He was holding an empty Soju bottle. I gulped. I knew what was going to happen.

Not again.?

I saw him throw the bottle aiming at me. I closed my eyes ducking. I heard a smash and then several pieces of glass fall behind me. One or two pieces skimming along my face and arms. I felt drops of blood forming on my face. Namjoon stood in a strong stance still at the door.

"You little shit..." I muttered as shoes clicked along the floor.

He put his finger under my chin lifting my head up.

"Please repeat that Jin..." He said this time a bit more forceful. I looked away, he grabbed the top of my collar.

This time he yelled right at me. My ears ringing. I stayed quiet. His grip tightened this time on my neck. A warm patch of pain appeared on my face. He swung his fist towards my neck. He pushed me down to the floor. Kicking me with his foot right in the gut. I want to fight back so bad but I just can't hurt him... I closed my eyes ready for him to hit me again. He stomped on my ribs.

"AHH FUCK." I clutched my ribs in pain.

"You not going to fight Jin? YOU TOO SCARED OF ME?" He started to laugh.

(I'm so sorry namjoon i feel so bad right now writing this)

I looked up, my lip throbbing, I was panting heavily. I got up.

I coughed; blood coming out my mouth. The world went dizzy I held my head a bit to keep me up. I felt a tight grip around my neck, choking me so hard I couldn't breathe.

"ᴺ⁻ⁿᵃᵐʲᵒᵒⁿ ˢᵗᵒᵖᵖᵖ...." I was able to whimper out.

He used both hands now forcing my back against the wall.

"Jin... YOU ASSHOLE. You ruined everything! HE DIED--- BECAUSE OF YOU." He kept forcing his grip tighter.

"ʷ⁻ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵈᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵉᵃⁿⁿ"

" Sun-Woo ..." He started to tear up.

3rd person

A rush of memories came back to Jin. A little boy being rushed to the hospital. Namjoon running with the stretcher. Police sirens, ambulance lights.

Jin snapped back to reality when everything went fuzzy in his eyes. A rush of pain going to his head.

Jins POV

I started to feel light like nothing was below me.

"JIN!!" I heard a female voice yell from the other side of the room.


Everything went black.

caramel macchiato ⇢ ksj | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now