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2 years later (tbh sorry i really didn't want to time skip this much but hahahaha to late btx)


You were on your world tour for your new album sitting under the stage getting your outfit ready to perform the title song and the last song of the whole entire tour back in Korea. Makeup artists touching up your eyeshadow and brushing down your hair. You stood up bowing to them, staff came around you and put on your mic carefully around your head.

You were walking towards the lift that brung you onto the stage you could already hear so many fans screaming and chanting. 

"ARE YOU READY?!" You yelled. Fans screamed and squealed waving their lightsticks.

You re-adjusted your skirt taking a deep breath in.

"Good luck Y/N." Jin patted your shoulder. "You look like a sharpie super fiiinee~~~" Then doing his windshield wiper laugh.

"Thanks," You smiled giggling.


You stood on the lift up to the stage. "Get ready SHINES! Hana, dul, set!" The lights flashed on and screams could be heard from the large crowd.

You danced through the song and fans screamed. Singing along. You messed up on a bit of the dance but fans wouldn't notice. Hopefully. You finished the song with a pose and smiled panting.  You bowed.

"Gamsa! (Thanks!) Bye SHINES!"

The lift took you back down you squiggled in excitement. 

"Ahh, it's been so long since I've felt like this it makes me so happpyyyy!" You smiled.

"Well done Y/N!" Jin said kissing you on my forehead. "You did so well!"

You giggled. "Thank you!"  

You hummed the tune to the song.  Smiling. 

"Want to go back to the dorm now?" He said putting his hand around my waist. 

"Mhm," You snuggled into his chest.

We walked back to the dorm snuggling in each others warmth.

"What now then?" He said arriving at the dorm. 

"Wait not here," He said holding my wrist. He dragged you to a coffee shop. You looked around.

 You looked around

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"J-Jin..." You smiled. 

"Oh Y/N you're back! Well done on the success of your Idol career you deserve it!" The familiar face greeted you with a smile, a woman about in her 60's she had changed quite a bit since you had last seen her. Her hair had been cut shorter around to her collarbone and she had a happier ora.

"Two Caramel Macchiatos please," Jin said putting his hand around my waist.

The lady smiled and we went to sit down. "God so much has changed. But this coffee shop will always stay the same. " You said taking a deep breath in, your nose being hit by the sweet mix of bitter and beautiful. 

"T-thank you so much Jin." You started to tear up. Emotions overflowing my body. 

He embraced you, "It's okay Y/N." He lifted our chin up. "Why don't skeletons ever go trick or treating? Because they have nobody to go with." He wheezed slapping his own knee.

You gave him kissed him on the cheek. We walked going to sit down in our favorite seat. A wonderful corner couch with flannel cushions. You smiled and got comfy in the seat.

''Order for Kim Seokjin and Y/N!''  

Jin stood up and got the drinks and came and sat back down next to you.

"When do you think the rest of BTS is going to meet any girls?" You said curiously.

"I honestly think Jungkook will find somebody soon, he's been on the search for a while. He's adorable." He giggled like a proud mother.

"You really care for them don't you?" You said.

"Yeah, I do." He said smiling. 

"Awhh, I wonder what It would have been like If I had joined a girl group." You wondered.

"You probably wouldn't have met me since you'd have been training when we first met." He said being logic for once.

"Lucky I didn't choose to work with a girl group then, isn't it Jin?" You said.

He nodded sipping his drink.

We sat there and drunk our drinks,

 Jin's phone went off playing a little reminder tune. 

"Oh, shzz- I got to go practice. Come with me or I'll be lonleeyy." Jin said while pouting. 

You nodded. He got in a nearby taxi.

"Ahh, this is my jammm!" Jin said dancing to your said harshly singing along to the lyrics trying to hit the high notes. 

"WoRK Sisss!" You laughed.

 We arrived at the studio, you apologized to the taxi driver for being so loud and gave him an extra tip for putting up with yours and Jin's stupidity and you changed into something more comfortable to dance in. 

"Ehh, let's do that choreography we made up for You & I?" He said and you nodded.

"Give me a second." You said tying your hair into a ponytail. "Okay, I'm ready."

He walked over and pressed play on the boom box.

*starts at 3:14 also ignore all the screaming kids tbh*

We were halfway through the song when he went down on his knee.

What's he doing this isn't in the dance? WAIT WHAT

 The blood stopped flowing through your body when you realized what he was doing. Your eyes widened as he got something out of his jean pocket.

No, no way,

He looked up and opened the red velvet box. You covered my mouth with your hand's tears welling up in your eyes. A lovely ring with pink and white diamonds across the top.

"Miss Y/N. Will you take my hand in marriage?" He smiled brightly. 

Tears fell from your face, "Y-yes..." You were smiling so brightly.

He pushed the ring onto your finger and you hugged him so tight kissing him through broken sobs.

The rest of BTS pushed through the door and we all had a group hug. "T-thank you. So much, I love all you boys so so much." You sobbed. 

"Awwhh, how cute," Tae said. 

You smiled getting out of the group hug. Namjoon handed Jin different colored flowers in a bouquet. Pink, white and red roses. 

"Well done, I'm so proud of you Hyung!" Namjoon said patting his back.

He smiled brightly. 

"Thank you, so much." 


-AN EpILoUgE iS TO COmE (and maybe ill do a bad ending too where she ends up with yoongi winkidy rink)

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