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Jin's POV

I sat drinking my coffee at 6am at the corner coffee shop,with my dust mask on. You could say only freaks do that...My phone light lit up my face as I scrolled through my missed texts.



Hay dudee wanna go out somewhere today?

Lolol sorry If I'm disturbing your sleep I'm not good with timings :/

: ShoulderJJin

Yeah, I don't mind where exactly?


I have this close friend and I think you'll like her

I called her last night and asked if she could meet you and she said yeahhh.

I'm not tryna set you up I'm just sayin'

: ShoulderJJin

If you try to hook me up I swear

The dorm is already full


So you in? If so meet us @ the lighthouse 1:15 wink wink

: ShoulderJJin

I guess tbh I got nothing better to do these days.


I put my phone down as I heard a bell ring, It's that girl... I went under the table to get the thing she dropped. I was getting back up when I bashed my head off the table.

"Gaesaeg--" I coughed. Standing up and rubbing my head.

"Miss! You dropped this the other day." She turned around. Wow I nearly choked on my words when she turned around


"Oh thank you," She smiled and bowed she grabbed it and put it in her hoodie pocket

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"Oh thank you," She smiled and bowed she grabbed it and put it in her hoodie pocket. "I thought I was the only one who actually comes out here early. I guess I've met somebody like me." She smiled. Wow even her smile is cute. I don't think she knows me as an idol huh? I was about to ask but I got cut off.

"We seem to run into each other a lot."

"You want my phone number?" She smiled. I nodded I may even boost somebody down a number for her. I grabbed my phone and synced numbers with her.

"Want to sit?" I offered.

"Sure, she smiled."

We ordered our coffee's It's funny we even have the same order to a T. We joked about current memes. It seemed like we had been friends for ages. We had this connection... (ah could I make this even anymore goddamn cliche)

Time skip because hi im lazy

"I've got to go now" I smiled walking back to my dorm. (Waah 2 chats in one chapter)


Chat made 5/5/18 6:42 am

Added WorldwideJJin & BearY/N --- Chat named Coffee Adicts 101

: WorldwideJJin (11:23 am)

Whats up fellow coffee addict lol?

Just checking in.

BearY/N (11:25 am) :

All good over here lol I'm just getting ready for a day out with my friend.

Wanna see my outfit?

: WorldwideJJin

Sure I'll rate it tbh I already know It's gonna be good

Sure I'll rate it tbh I already know It's gonna be good

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: PanickedGayJJin

Work it haha! Deffo a 420 B)


Thanks haha, anyways I've got to go now.

Nickname changed BearY/N < CoffeeY/N

: WorldwideJJin

Lol same chat to you later Y/N


I put my phone down and got up. Washing my face, a loud smash came from the kitchen. N-Namjoon? I hurriedly turned the tap off and ran into the kitchen.

"IT'S YOUR FUCKING FAULT JIN!" He looked at me dead in the eyes. I felt my soul being pressured just by his stare alone.

"What do you mean? The glass?" I gulped. Thankfully the boys were out practicing without me and Namjoon because we were fine with the new choreography.

He yelled waving around his fist.

He started running towards me with his fist out lunging at me. His strong fist bashed my shoulder knocking me down to the floor I tried shoving him off to no avail. I just lay there on the ground getting beat. Namjoon finally got up. Panting heavily, he held his fist and started crying.

"Jin I'm- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Jin I'm sorry I'm so sorry." He looked at me. "J-jin..." I didn't listen to his apologies and just hugged him. Hitting him on the back lightly.

"I have to go now will you be okay?" I rested my hand on his shoulder.

BOOM- I have no idea what that turned into. Honestly I dont even know what this is going to turn into bhaut it is gonna have a love triangle in thoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo- ;) and some kookie v and jimin just yall wait haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaYAW

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