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        You slipped your name tag through your jumper hoping your boss didn't see you come in late. Quickly signing in to the register on the computer and sighing, you stretched while looking around the library. You saw a familiar face at one of the shelves facing towards you.

''Yoongi oppa!'' You smiled waving. He put his book back on the shelf and started walking towards you with his gummy smile

 He put his book back on the shelf and started walking towards you with his gummy smile

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"Y/Na you're laaattee missy!" He put his hands on his hips.

"Ahhahh I know, I know" You waved your hand in his face.

"Does the boss know?" He questioned. I only know realized he was so close to you. You flushed and turned away.

"Nuh-uh! Don't say a thing to her!! I promise I won't come late again." You did some aegyo.The door opened a subtle bell ding alerted you and Yoongi back to reality. You bowed as he walked in. Yoongi walked up to him.

"Annyeong, back again Hobi?"

"Yeah got any new comics?" He said scrolling along the books.

"Yes, actually they're in the back though." Yoongi faced to you. "Do you know whereabouts they are?"

"I do but I'm not telling you." You puckered your lips.

"I'll pay you..." He bribed.

"K' wait here sir." You headed off with Yoongi.

You got the keys out your pocket and pushed through the door to find the comics. You got three comics :

The attack on mochi;

Megan got jams;

Dirty water on my facu.

You tripped on the way out preparing to hit the ground but only to be caught by your waist.You could feel the warmth of his body against yours.You looked up to see the worried face of Yoongi you stared at him for a second. You slithered out of his grasp. You brushed off your jeans and picked up the comics that had fallen on the floor and started to walk out brushing your hair back.

Yoongi's POV

I followed her into the storage room walking over to the comic shelf. She went on her tiptoes to reach the comics. Wow, she's beautiful... No no what am I thinking we're friends. Just friends... I can't feel this way right. Right? I snapped back to reality when she got the 3 comics and started to head out. I was watching her head out when she tripped on the step back up. I quickly reached out to her waist to catch her. Our faces met I saw her cheeks heat up bright red. I stared at her for a second with big eyes full of worry. She grabbed the comics off the floor and walked out, I put my hand to my heart it was beating rapidly.


"Here you go sir, you can choose from them." You handed him the

You walked over back to the register your heart still beating fast. You sighed. Yoongi walked over to you.

"You okay Y/Na?"

You nodded. Your boss came out her office. "Y/N your shift is nearly up just might as well walk out now"

"Y/N want me to walk you home? It's late." He said.

"No, I'll be fine thanks oppa." You grabbed your bad and logged out of the register

The bell dinged as you left. You walked out seeing the empty streets the light shining on you from the lampost up above. Looking around you felt a cool breeze pass you creeping you out, to say the least. You kept checking behind you. You felt somebody watching you or following you. You quickened your pace and kept walking back to your flat. Speedy cars passed by making you even more uncomfortable you tried to hurry as fast as you could passing people on a night out enjoying their time with family. You put your headphones in and started to listen to GOT7. Looking into a window of a restaurant you saw the boy from the cafe eating alone. Your eyes met, you smiled and walked on.

You got your keys out of your bag. Unlocking your door and pushing through.

"Ahhhhhh finally."  You threw your bag onto the chair and walked to the island table in your kitchen you boiled some water and made yourself some noodles. You heard a buzz from your phone.You picked it up and unlocked it



Hope you got home safe, have you eaten? 🤔


Yeah I'm home safe oppa no need to worry, 😊😊

and I'm just eating right now c;


Oh I'm sorry for interrupting your meal.

Lol I'll leave you be ʕᴥʔ


It's fine I feel pretty lonely anyways

Call me?



caramel macchiato ⇢ ksj | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now