Date Night

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Jm- Hey babe, I've been meaning to put this outfit to use.

Jk- The black shirt with the words on it?

Jm-Yeah. I really like it but I never got the chance to wear it.

Jk- Well I know how to put it to use.

Jm- How?

Jk-I'm taking you on a date to the festival downtown today.

Jm- You mean the one where we all went for New YEARS?!

Jk- Yeah, I know you love it down there and that pink shirt is just right for this occasion.

Jm- Awww.

Jk- So? You wanna go on a date with me, Park Jimin?

Jm smiles

Jm- Yes, Jeon Jungkook. I would definitely love to go on a date with you.

  Jk smiles, kisses Jm

Jm- Okay, I'm gonna find some pants that match with this.

Jk- Oh wear the ripped black pants. they would match perfectly and plus you would look cute in them.

Jm- Mhmm, OK.

Jk- I'll be back in 30 minutes to pick you up, mochi. I'll be ready then.

Jm- Okay, bunny. See you then!

   30 minutes later

Jk-Jimin, are you ready?

Jm opens the door 

Jk sees the black shirt, black pants, and black shoes

Jk- You look so cute.

Jm- You look cuter.

Jk- Not possible.

Jm- It is my bunny.

Jk- Are you ready to go?

Jm- Yeah.

                           Arrive at the festival

                  Jm sees all the lights and ppl

Jm- this is so cool.

Jk- Are you ready?

     Jk takes out his hand, Jm holds his hand

Jm- Of course.

They get out of the uber

JK- You wanna head to the ride area?

 Jm- Yeah, sure.

Jk and Jm walk to the rides area

Jk- Okay this ride goes really fast so don't throw up on me.

Jm I'm not bunny.

Jk - OKay. Here we go.

 Jm starts yelling, jk takes pics

 Jm starts yelling, jk takes pics

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