I do like you ( Min Yoonseok)

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Jh- Hey, Yoongi. Can I talk to you?

Sg- Yeah, what's up?

JH-Ah, i don't know how to say this to you..

Sg- Is this about the other night with me sleeping in your bed?

Jh- Kind of.

Sg- I'm so sorry. I was just a bit scared of why you wanted me to sleep with you.

Jh- I just wanted you to be comfortable.

Sg- I understand that. 

JH- But I wanted to tell you something of why I cared for you that night.

Sg- What is it?

Jh- It's been really great knowing you as my closest friend for all these years, Yoongi. And I started to realize that I've been wanting to be closer with you recently.

Sg- What do you mean?

          Jh grabs Sg's hand

Jh- I really like you, Yoongi.

Sg is shocked

Sg- Ah... I don't know what to reply with but to say..

 Jh- Say what...

Sg- I like you too, Hobi.

 Jh smiles in shock


Sg- Yes Hobi. I have for a while.

Jh- WELL, why didn't you say anything?

Sg- i could say the same for you.

 Jh laughs

Jh- What does this mean for us?

Sg- um, You wanna be my boyfriend?

Jh- It depends, do you wanna be mine?

Sg- Of course.

   Jh kisses Sg's cheek

Jh- So are you gonna sleep on my bed or the floor?

     Sg laughs

Sg- Yes, I'll sleep in you bed. I know you get scared at night.

Jh- No, That's not true.

Sg- It is. When Jimin used to sleep in here, he told me that before I move in I should know that you get scared easily at night. You scream when you hear thunder.

      Sg laughs

Jh- Very funny.

Sg- Don't worry. It's cute.

Jh blushes

Jh- So, can we go to sleep now, I want to cuddle with you.

Sg- Of course. I'm so tired after trying to make Tae go to sleep.

Jh- Why?

Sg- He's sick today so I took care of him.

Jh- Oh, I should go talk to him in the morning to see if he's okay.

 Sg- Sounds like a good friend to me.

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