Ignoring you

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                                                  Jungkook walks in dance studio, all members are in here with him

                                                  Jungkook walks in dance studio, all members are in here with him

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Jm- Hey Kookie.

        Jungkook stares at him, walks away

Jk- Hobi, can you help Jimin with the chorus part of the dance?

Jh- Sure. Can you go help Tae and Jin for me please?

Jk- Sure. Thanks Hobi.

Jh- Mhm.

         Jh walks to Jimin

Jm- Where's Jungkook?

Jh- He's practicing with Tae and Jin. 

Jm- What about you?

Jh- Jungkook told me to come help you.

Jm- Mh, so he is ignoring me. I thought he was joking around..

Jh- Huh?

Jm- We got in a fight recently and he said that he wasn't gonna talk to me. I thought it was temporal!

Jh- Well, when you get in fights with someone you love, they most likely will ignore.

Jm- Well I hate this. I don't want him to stay mad at me.

Jh- What did you even fight about?

Jm- It's so stupid of me to say.

Jh- I wouldn't be suprised.

Jm- Wow. I'm not talking to you now.

Jh- Now that was stupid too. Just tell me.

Jm- Okay. We were in the room just relaxing and I noticed that he was on his phone for a long time. I asked him who he was texting.

Jh- Who was it?

Jm- Yugyeom.

Jh- His best friend? Why would you fight over that?

Jm- Because recently they've been hitting it off. 

Jungkook overhears the conversation

Jm- He'd just been with him lately and I only get to see him in practice or when its like 10 at night.

Jh- Where was he the first time?

Jm- Yugyeom and his mom invited him to dinner and he went without telling me. I was waiting for him to come home for such a long time.

Jh- Mhm, Maybe he forgot to tell you. Maybe he just missed him. I mean Yugyeom is  busy most of the time and Kookie spends most of his time with you.

Jm-Mhmm, you're right my hyung. But I just was so mad.

Jh- Well, what do you wish happened?

     Jungkook listens closely

Jm- I just wish that kookie just texted me that night. I would've been fine  but now I feel like Yugyeom told him not to text me on purpose so he could have him all to himself.

Jh- Omg, you're so dramatic my hyung.

Jm- I'm being honest though.

Jk- Hey Hobi. I am heading out now. Tae and Jin are all set.

Jh- Okay thanks. I'm gonna start with Jimin now. He'll be done in an hour.

Jk- Okay. Ill see you when you get home, mochi?

Jm- Yeah.

Jimin smiles

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