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Jm walks in thek itchen to get breakfast, sees Hobi

Jh- Oh, good morning, Jimin- Hyung.

JM- good morning. How was your night?

JH- Great. How was yours?

JM-It was amazing.

Jh- If it's what I think it is..

Jm- No no. Jungkook took me out on a date and it was so great. I haven't been on a date in years.

Jh- Well that's great Chim. It sounded great when I saw the video online.

Jm-yeah. He made a video about it. It's so cute. He gonna be mine forever.

Jh- LOL. 

Jm- I'm serious. He's so sweet and he understands me better than anyone else.

Jh- speaking of that, I'm having troubles with Yoongi.

Jm- Wait, you're dating him?

Jh- No, not yet.

Jm- Ooohh. 

Jh- shut up. Let me talk.

Jm- Okay go.

Jh- So he said that he wants to sleep by himself not with me.

Jm- okay. He has his own bed for a reason.

Jh- Yeah but it got destroyed because Tae was jumping on it.


Jh- Why are you yelling?!

Jm- Sorry. Continue.

Jh- I offered him to sleep in my bed but he said no and now he refuses to talk to me.

Jm- Maybe he thought you were trying to get in his pants.

Jh- I wasn't though.

Jm smiles


Jh- anyways, what should I do?

Jm- Just act normal. He may like you so that's why he is distant from you.

Jh- Mhm, you're right. Okay thanks.

  Jungkook walks in the kitchen, backhugs Jimin

Jk- Good morning guys.

Jm- Good morning baby.

Jh- Ha, Good morning Kookie. How was last night?

Jk-Great. I got to go on a date with my mochi and it was really fun.

    Jm- Aww.

       Jm kisses JK

Jm- I love you, bunny.

Jk- Love you too.

 Jh- Well I'm gonna go find Jin to help him with his dance. I'll see yall later...

Jh walks away while laughing

Jk- He's just jeonlous.

Jm- Jungkook, really?

Jk- It's true.

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