My confession

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Hoseok Walked in the kitchen and saw Yoongi and Tae talking about the dance choreo they were working on.

Jh-hey guys.
Sg-hey Hobi. How you've been lately?
Jh- not the best actually hyung.
T- well what happened?
Hobi walks towards Taehyung and Yoongi.
Jh- look, ever since I revealed my feelings with you guys, I've been all over the place. I feel like I dont be long to anyone. I ruined my friendships with you guys and I've hurt both of you.
Sg- but you apologized so everything is going to be fine.
T- yeah. Theres nothing to be upset or confused about, Hobi.
Jh- But the pain that I'm in isnt okay..
Taehyung holds Hobi's hand.
T- What are you trying to say to us, Hobi?
SG- Does this have to do
Jh- Yes. The truth is, I still have feelings for both of you. They won't go away for Yoongi. Tae, I really want to be with you. It's been my freaking dream since forever! And Yoongi.. I really just like how you've been accepting me for who I am. That's all I ever wanted from you. You always put out the best in me and I have to thank you for that.
T- Hobi.. if you are trying to get back with Yoongi, it'll break me but I'll understand.
Sg- Yeah but.. Hobi. I'm not interested in you. I thought I really was but it's more of attention from you. You use to always hang out with Tae and not me as much. I just felt relieved when you have me your eyes to even look at me. Those feelings were happiness of being with my friend, not my boyfriend. I'm so sorry I wasted all this time to figure it out.
Hobi was shocked. He has never been told from someone that they went interested in him before. But at least he came to the rightful conclusion.
Jh- it's okay hyung. I gave you that time for a reason. It's all gonna work out. You should be able to walk and Express yourself without being confused because of my undivided attention towards others. I love all my hyungs for who they are. You dont have to be sorry. It's what you want.

Hobi hugs Yoongi and smiles. He was happy to be In his arms again. It felt warm and comforting to him. He finally had his friend back. Yoongi pushed him away and looked at Tae.

T- Its okay , Yoongi.
Jh- Thanks for being my friend.
Sg- of course. I hope to continue to be your friend.
Jh- Of course.

Hobi walked back to Tae and held his hand.
Jh- I'm sorry. I should've came to you about this sooner.
T- its okay. I understand. I just love you my love. Dont leave me please.
Jh- I won't. I promise.

Hobi kisses Tae on the cheek and Hugs him
Sg- awww, that's cute. Well imma go to see a movie. You guys wanna join?

Tae jumped on Yoongi and  squealed.
T- oh yes!!! U haven't been there in like years!

Hobi laughed at his boyfriend and took him off Yoongi.

Sg- okay then.. let's go.

The three boys headed out to the movies and had a great time together. Everything is falling together again.. and its perfect like it should be.

Guys, it's coming to an end. I have to start making new ones to entertain you better. Make sure to read my other story that I started a while ago.✌✌🏽

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