Its hard

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Jh- Hey Jungkook!

Jk-Oh hey, Hobi. I see your cleaning again.

Jh- Well yeah. Since Jimin will no longer sleep in here with me, Rm supposeldy said that Yoongi will stay in here with me.

Jk- Mhh. Are you okay with that?

Jh- Yeah. I mean I do like him like that but I'm afraid of telling him.

Jk- But don't you also like V?

Jh- Yeah but... I realized that he is just a great friend and I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

Jk- Mhm, smart choice. So do you know about..

Jh- You and Jimin? Yeah he told me about everything. He seems to be happy with you.

Jk- He told you everything? Like what?

Jh- Like.. you know the juicy stuff that happened. Don't worry I won't tell anyone. It's your buisness.

Jk- Can I tell you something or ask?

Jh- Yeah.

Jk- Is it hard to know that Yoongi may not like you in that way?

JH- Yeah, It's hard. He seems like the type of guy who just wants to be alone and not say anything.

Jk- Will you confess to him?

Jh- Maybe, Kookie. I'm scared.

Jk- Its okay. I was scared when I told Jimin.

JH- Well you shouldn't be because he confessed first, kook.

Jk- Aish, true.But I was scared that he would think I was joking and try to push me away because that's how he is sometimes.

Jh- you're right. He does do that but you are his lucky one. He loves you so don't underestimate his feeling for you. I just wish that Yoongi and I will be like that.

Jk- And you will, Hobi.

Jh- Ah, only if he likes me which would be impossible. But thanks for your hopes, kook.

Jk- Anytime my hyung. 

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