Badly hurt

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Jk- Baby how come you're still in bed?

Jm- My body hurts. it hurts so bad.

Jk- Oh, is it you worrying about last night or when the man hurt you?

Jm- Both bunny. He hurt me badly on my back and I have a scar there and on my pelvis area.

Jk- Yeah and I noticed one near your shoulder on your left baby.

Jm- Do you have any pills to take for pain?

Jk- Yeah, it's in the bathroom. I'll go get them for you.

Jm- Okay.

Jungkook goes into the bathroom. He opens the mirror to get the pills. He walks back to Jimin

Jk- Here you go. I'll get the water over there.

Jk gets the water by his computer desk

Jm- Thank you bunny.

Jk- Don't thank me. This is my fault I should've protected you.

Jm- It's okay we didn't know that no one closed up the studio baby. It's all gonna be okay. The police will investigate on this.

Jk- You're right, mocha. But I still feel bad. I should be in your place, takin in the pain.

Jm- Aw, bunny come here.

Jungkook lays on the bed. Jimin kisses his forehead and hugs him

Jm- It's okay, I can handle the pain. Just be careful from now on.

Jk- I will I promise.

Jm- I love you.

Jk- Love you too. Now get some sleep. You'll feel less pain if you sleep.

Jm- You're right but can you do something for me?

Jk- Yeah?

Jm- Can you unpack the groceries in the kitchen. I forgot to yesterday and I don't want Hobi to keep bugging me about it.

Jk- Why can't he do it since he's so anxious for you to do it?

Jm- Bunny, he isn't gonna do anything unless I beg him to do it. He so lazy you know that.

Jk- Right.

Jungkook gets out of the bed and puts his sweater on

Jk- Sleep well. I'll check up on you soon okay?

Jm- Okay bunny.

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