Jealous mochi

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Jungkook comes back in the room, Jimin jumps on him

Jm- You've been gone for years!

Jk- I've been gone for 2 hours, Mochi. 

Jm- Well it felt longer, bunny. Where were you?

Jk- I was out.

jm- Doing what?

jk- I was hanging with my friend.

Jm- who?

jk- Yugyeom. He and his mom invited me to dinner. I couldn't say no.

Jimin backs up and his face turns red, He has a death stare on his face

Jimin backs up and his face turns red, He has a death stare on his face

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Jk- Baby, he's just a friend.

jm- Mh. Are you sure he doesn't like you?

Jk- of course he likes me.

Jimin shows his shocked face

Jk- Omg, not like that mochi

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Jk- Omg, not like that mochi.

jm- It sounded like that.

Jk- you would like him, you know..

jm- No I wouldn't! He literally took my bunny away from me for 2 HOURS, bunny! I wanted to cuddle with MY BUNNY.

jk- He just asked me to go to dinner with him.

Jm- You could've told me that your friend aka YUGYEOM asked to hangout with you. Instead, you made me worried so much to see if you were safe.

Jk- you could've texted me.

jm- No, I couldn't. I was too busy worrying about you.

Jk- Look, Im sorry mochi. I know you hate when people leave you hanging.


jk- Are you jealous, baby?

jm- No im not. Why would you think that?

jk- you are literally holding my shirt. Do you think I hid him in our room or something?

jm- Maybe.. He could be stalking you. I mean you are an attraction to people.

jk- But I'm only for you.

Jimin lets go of Jungkook

Jm- I'm sorry bunny. I just get jealous when you are with other people even before we got together.

Jk- Its cute. I like it mochi. But you have to know that I would never leave you for anyone , understand? I promise you.

Jm- I know my bunny. I know your loyal to your promises.

Jk- I love you mochi.

Jm- I love you too , bunny.

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