I love you, forgive me

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Jh- Tae?

T- Baby?!

Tae runs to Hobi quickly. He hugs him.

T- I missed you so much. Where have you been?

Jh- I'm usually at the studio. Kookie came for me and helped me figure this all out.

T- Us and Yoongi?

Jh- Yes babe.

T- I'm sorry about that day. I shouldn't of said anything. I was just mad that he was the reason why you didn't pick me first.

Jh- I'm so so sorry babe. This is my fault and I should've been honest with both of you. You guys can say I was cheating or whatever you wanna call it but I will take the blame for making you guys feel used. I was just confused baout my feelings for you both and you both did'nt deserve the pain I put you through.

T- Baby It's all gonna be okay. You're hear now and you and I will be happy together. Yoongi will be okay when you talk to him. You do plan on talking to him right?

Jh- Yeah, I'm scared though. He may not forgive me. He really liked me and I blew him away like a gentle flower that was used only for happiness but it didn't work.

T- Aww, don't think that way.

Jh- Why? Because it bpthers the way it sounds to you?

T- No because it sounds like Jin is speaking through my love and I can't have that.

Hobi laughs, Tae smilesand comes closer to him.

Jh- Tae, I love you. Plaes forgive what I have done to you.

T- Of course baby. I already did a while ago. I just wish you came home sooner to talk to me.

Jh- I was being a coward. I'm sorry for that.

T- It's all okay. I love you too baby.

Jh kisses Tae, tae pushes him to the bed and they continue to kiss

Hobi kisses Tae's neck and Tae holds Hobi's haie to hold back the moans

Tae kisses his pelivs area and Hobi moans.

Jh- I missed this.

T- Me too love.

 They continue to makeout

 I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next one will be out soon! See what will happen when Hobi talks to Yoongi. Will all go well or will Yoongi do something that he'll regret? Hobi? WHAT ABOUT TAE, YOONGI?

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