I'm Jimin

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Jm- Hey, thanks for meeting me here before you leave.

Yg- Yeah, it's fine. What's up, you okay?

Jm- Yeah I'm fine. I just wanted to say sorry about earlier today. I didn't mean to ignore you and Jungkook. I know you guys are close friends and I should've just stuck with that. I know you guys are just really close and I think that's great. He needs a great friend be his side.

Yg- Wow, Jimin. I'm sorry if I made things weird between us. I just was kind of sad that I will not seem him for a long time.

Jm- Yeah, it's sad. I just want one thing.

Yg- Yeah?

Jm- I want to us to start over.

Yg- Yeah, I want that too.

Jimin takes out his hand

Jm-Hi, I'm Jimin- Hyung. I haveboyfriend and I'm part of BTS that includes seven members who are the sunshine of my day. I would love to be one of your good friends.

  Yugyeom shkaes his hand

Yg- Nice to meet you. I'm Yugyeom and I'm crazy and loud and I'm going on tour with my boys from GOT7. I would love to be your friend as well.

   Jimin smiles

Jm- Have a great tour, Yugyeom. Keep contact with us, okay?

Yg- Most definitely. See you guys in a a year?

Jm laughs

Jm- YEP.

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