This is it

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Jungkook wakes up next to Jimin. He finally is going to do what he's been planning to do. He gets ready before anyone else is even though everyone knew what he was doing except Jimin. Jungkook put on a nice outfit to impress Jimin. After a few hours, Jimin gets up and hears people downstairs shushing each other and all silent.

Jm- Jungkook?
Jk- Come down, my love.

Jimin walks downstairs to the 5 members in front of him. He sees Jungkook wearing a denim outfit and white shoes. He walks up to him.
Jm- what's going on?
Jk- Jimin, you make me the happiest person here today and for the past months we've been together. I just want to know if you trust me to always be with you.

Jm- of course I do, bunny.
Jk- I love you so much my one. I want to be able to fly high with you every day and never let go. Will you do me the honor and marry me?

Jungkook pulls out the silver ring that had crystallized diamonds on it. He holds it out to Jimin. Jimin starts tearing up. He is so in love with his bunny that all he could do was hug him tightly and cry on his shoulder.

Jm- yes!
All the men start yelling in excitement for the happy couple. They are so relieved that they've made it to be this happy.

Jk- i love you.
Jm- i love you too.
Jimin puts on the ring for kook and kook puts the ring for chim. They smile at each other.

Taehyung- let's go celebrate at the bar.
Jh- yea, lets go!
They all hop in the car and head to celebrate. They hold each other in their arms knowing that they'll be together forever and ever

Finally I've made an ending to this book. I hope you enjoyed this and keep reading my other books! 💖💦😋🤩 THE END

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