I'm fine now

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Jk- Are you happy now that you went to the doctor?

Jm- Kinda. He made me feel better. Now I know why my mom always took me there.

Jk- Well duh for check ups.

Jm- Yes but to see if anything was wrong with me before I get worse. It's like he knows the future of my body.

Jk laughs

Jk- Believe what you want, mochi. You sound like a child.

Jm- I know but it's true. The last time I went to the hospital was when my dad was diagnosed.

Jk- With what?

Jm- He.. was very sick. He stayed in the hospital for 4 months of treatment.

Jk- Omg, that's terrible. Is that why you don't like the doctors?

Jm- Yes, bunny. I thought that they would always give bad news that would break your heart. But it turns out that they give good news as well.

Jk walks over to Jimin and hugs him

Jk- Why didn't you tell me this before?

Jm- It was seen as an excuse to not go in my pov. So I just let it slide.

Jk- It's okay, baby. I understand. Just please express yourself more about this stuff, okay?

Jm- Yes, I will. Now can we go do something. 

Jk- Do what?

Jm touches Jk's face and kisses him. They lean against the island in the kitchen

Jm- You know what I mean. It's been like weeks.

Jk- But what about your bruises?

Jm- Bunny, I'm fine now. You heard the doctor.

Jk- I know but I mean mentally.

Jm- Baby, all I want is you right now. I am perfectly fine mentally and physically. Don't worry.  I'll be fine.

Jk- Okay, baby. As long as you feel like you're ready.

Jm- Are you?

Jk scoffs and laughs

JK- Are you serious? I have been keeping in this feeling of wanting you so bad for WEEKS. I'm so sure that I'm ready!

Jm- Why didn't you tell me before?

Jm laughs

Jk- Huh, I don't know.

Jk gets confused of why he didn't mention it earlier

Jm- Come on, bunny Come back to earth.

Jm takes Jk's hand and runs up the stats

Jm kisses jk's neck and they go on the bed and continue...

 Sorry its a bit a short! Ill try to post more i just have a lot of drama and school to deal with.

 Stay tuned!

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