I don't like him

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Jk- Oh come on, Jimin. It was not that bad.


Jk- He's just friendly.

Jm- You guys were literally flirting in front of me and I didn't like that.

Jk- Stop.  he was just messing with me. He didn't mean to hug me like that.

Jm- Mhmm, sure. He clearly likes you.

Jk- Yeah as a friend. He really is friendly.

Jm- Whatever. I'm glad he's leaving for a year.

Jk- Can we stop talking about my best friend like this? I care about both of you as much as I care about myself, okay? Is that you want to hear to know that I would never leave you for him? he isn't even interested in me like that,  he's with someone else from the group and he supports him being my best friend. In fact he actually gave me the chance to get to know him better.

Jm- Bunny, I'm sorry. I was jealous that you're close with him like that.

Jk- Yeah well I get it but you're also close with Sungwoon and I don't say anything because he is your friend. And you are close with Taehyung.

Jm- You're right, Jungkook. I should just leave this behind and except your friendship with him. I didn't realize how I was acting about this. I'm really sorry and I will try to get to know him better. Just for you.

Jk- Thank you. I'll give you his number so you guys could text. Is that fine?

Jm- Yeah, that's a start to something.

Jk- I love you, Mochi and I would NEVER leave you for anyone else.

Jm- I love you more, bunny. I know you won't.

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