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Jungkook walks in the room while Jimin is sleeping. He checks on him. He notices that Jimin has a few bruises on his body. He can see because Jimin took off his clothes and slept in boxers to feel better. Jimin hears Jungkook and wakes up.

Jm- Bunny? What are you doing?

Jk- Oh, I'm just checking up on you. You seem to have some bruises baby.

Jm-I will be fine.

Jk- Are you sure?

Jm- Yeah. They hurt a bit but I'm okay.

Jk- OKay. Yoongi is inviting us to go out with him and the others tonight. It's like a getaway for Jin and Joon, they got issues.

Jm- Yikes. Yeah I will go with you but mostly to make sure you're okay.

Jk- Oh please. You mostly wanna make sure that noone else is staring at your bunny.

Jungkook lays on the bed with Jimin. Jimin lays his head and lets his blonde hair flow on his chest.

Jm- True, baby.

Jk- But I am making sure you are okay and I can't leave you alone at all so you're coming. Plus you need fresh air.

Jm giggles

Jm- Okay, anything you want my love. What will you wear?

Jk- A surprise, mochi.


Jk- What? You hate surpises?

Jm- YES! You know that. I hate it so much. You'll end up wearing someting that I won't keep my eyes off of. 

Jk- oooooh, mochi. You can't be like that. It's only gonna be for a few hours until I'm all yours, okay?

Jm- Really? mmhhmm.

Jk-  Yeah but since you're injured, we won't be doing what you think.

Jm- Oh come on. It'll be okay. I'm not that fragile.

Jk- To me you're really fragile. You hate when I tease you and you get mad easily. You hate when I tak to other guys who are my friends and get mad.

Jm- Those are so different. But you have a point there. I really am sorry for that.

Jk- It's not that important to me. I'm all yours and you know that.

Jm- Well, I know that bunny. I'm not letting go of you.

Jk- I won't either.

 Jimin kisses Jungkook

Jk- So what will you be wearing?

Jm- Uhh, it's a surprise baby.

Jimin laughs

Jk- OH...really...

Jm- Yeah. I could show you but you said that we can't do anything since I'm not in the best condition so.

Jk sits up quickly

Jm- What?

Jk- You were gonna be naked?!

Jm- No! I was playing with you. I am gonna wear something that will make you want me even more.

Jk- Jimin, baby..

Jm- Please? I want you so bad right now and I can't wait any longer.

 Jimin touches Jungkook's hair

Jk- I really want to. I really want to just kiss you and give you butterfly kisses on your neck and everywhere. I really want to just do it all but you know I can't. you're not in the condition right now to be sexually active with me.

Jm- I understand, bunny. I think I should head to the bathroom now. It may take me long to get ready because of the pain.

Jimin tries to stand up, Jungkook helps him stand up. Jimin almost trips

JK- Are you gonna be fine? Do you want me to help you get ready?

Jm- You won't be turned on at all?

Jk- I will but I will contol myself. Come on.

Jungkook walks with Jimin to the bathroom

Jm- Thank you Bunny.

Jk- Of course.

Jm- I love you.

Jk- I love you too. Now take off your shirt and pants.

Jm- oooohhh, bunny. You wanna make me strip? 

Jimin giggles

Jk- OMG, mochi. You're so dirty right now.

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