It's no use

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Jungkook walks in the studio. he sees Hobi sitting on a chair playing with a water bottle.

Jk- Hobi?

Jh- Oh hey kookie. How are you?

JK- Fine. How about you?

JH- I feel like I just ruined my life.

Jk- What happened? Did you confess to Yoongi?

Jh- Yesh I did. I started dating him.

Jk- That's great! What is wrong with that?

Jh- I also confessed to Tae that I loved him and at the time I regretted dating Yoongi. I should've chosen Tae first. I told them both my story and now they hate me.

Jk- So are you dating Tae?

Jm- Yeah but we haven't talked in a week or Yoongi. So I've been avoiding everyone and no one seemed to notice I was gone for so long.

Jk- I noticed. Look i know how it feels for when people seem to not care about you but I care. I'm here for my friend.

Jh- Thanks kook. You're a good friend. I can't lose you either.

Jk- And you won't.

Jh- What should I do?

Jk- talk to Tae and Yoongi. But Tae first, he's your boyfriend.Tell him why you did what you did.

Jh- You sure it will work?

Jk- Yeah, Tae is so forgiving and understanding. He will understand you.He loves you I know it.

Jh- Thanks Kookie. I should be heading home then.

Jk- So wait where were you this whole time?

Jh- Well I was home but I always leave before Yoongi iand Tae would see me because they leave their dorms at 11 so I would leave at 10 to go out and meet my old friends and come practice. I usually clean my dressing room too cause it's a mess,bro.

jungkook laughs

Jk- YEAH I know. I've been in there.

Jh- Don't judge now. It's so clean and smells amazing.

Jk- Well let's get your bum home so you can smell good as well. I bet you've been sweating your butt off for a while huh?

Jh- Yeah I have. It was the stress on my shoulders.

Jk- Well I can tell you that everyone at home is all well except for Jimin which I need to get home too less than 10 minutes so go get your shoes and bag now so I can go check on him.

Jh- What happened to him?

Jk- Long story short, Jimin got hit bad the other night by an intuder in the other studio in the 3rd building. It's my fault.

Jh- No it couldn't of been! You are seen as a threat to people who hurt your boyfriend and we know it. 

Jk- Really?

Jh- Yeah. 

Jk- Mhm, I guess I am.

Jh- Okay Maknae don't get over yourself yet. Let's get home now.

Jk- Okay Hyung.

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