I will be okay

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Jh walks in Tae's room

Jh- good morning, Hyung. How are you feeling?

T- Not the best but that you for asking.

Jh walks to his bed

Jh- Are you sure.

T- Yeah..

Jh- Is everything okay? you don't seem that sick.

T-It's nothing, Hobi. I'm fine.

Jh touches Tae's face

Jh- Tae, you're not even hot.

T- I can't tell you. It would hurt you.

Jh- Nothing you can say would hurt me.

T- This would.

Jh- tell m. i'm worried about you.

T- Do you care about me that much? Even my feelings for whatever?

Jh- Yes, I do. I really care about you Tae.

T- So even if Yoongi told me that he is dating you, You wouldn't care If I told you that I liked you too?

          Jh is Jungshook

T- Nevermind..

Jh- Tae, you liked me?

T- Yes. You seemd to like me too but you became distant and so did I. That's why I asked Yoongi to care for me.

Jh- I'm sorry, Tae. I didn't know.

T- I will be okay, I know you're happier with him. You'll always be my good friend Hobi. I just..

Jh- yeah?

T- I love you Hobi. As my friend. I can't lose you ever no matter what.

Jh- I love you too, forever in my heart. I always have.

T- really?

Jh- yes.

T- Can I tell you something or ask?

Jh- Mhm.

T- How come you didn't choose me? I thought we were fine. Why did you leave your feeling for me behind?Didn't I mean something to you?

Jh-Tae... Yoongi is just what I wanted and I still had feelings for you but I wanted to chose one and that was Yoongi. I will always love you.

T- I understand, Hoseok. It's fine. But if there's another chance in the far future to be with you, I will be waiting for you.

Jh- Tae, thank you for everything. You are a great friend to me. I'm sorry. There may be a chance or not. I don't wanna plan it or break Yoongi. You understand?

T- Yeah.

Jh- Okay. I have to go now. I'm gonna find Yoongi. I'll see you later, okay?

T- Okay. I love you best friend.

Jh - I love you too..

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