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Jm runs in the studio, crashes into Jungkook while he's singing 

Jm- Omg, I'm sorry.

Jk- It's okay, but why are you running?

Jm- uh, I was working out DUH! Plus I was getting bored being alone so I went out.

Jk- Okay, mochi.

Jm- What are you doing?

Jk- Oh, nothing. 

 Jm steals Jk's paper of music

Jm- You're singing a cover song?

Jk- Maybe..

Jm- Yeas you are! Aww you finally listened to your boyfriend.

Jk- I always listen to you.

Jm- mhmm.

Jk- Anyways, Yugyeom told me that you went to talk to him the night he had to leave. That was so cute baby.

Jm- Ah, I just wanted him to know that I was sorry. I wanted to start over with him as my new friend.

 Jk kisses Jm's forehead

Jk- It was sweet of you to do so. He was really happy and felt warmth when you did that. he likes you.

Jm- And you're okay with that?

Jk- He likes you as a friend, mochi. And if he liked you like that I would've made sure that you weren't seeing him alone.

Jm- So protective bunny.

Jk-I know. Are you gonna practice today or go back home?

JM- I don't know.

Jk- Stay with me and help me then.

Jm- mhm, okay then.

 Jm reads the somg

Jm- This song is wonderful. It'll go well with you voice.

Jk- Really?

Jm- YES bunny. I know it will.

Jk laughs

Jk- Okay, let's get to singing.

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