Awkard, No?

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Jh and tae walk in the kitchen

Jh- Okay, so tell me why she didn't want to kiss you in high school?

T- She thought I was too petty for her kind. She was a petty chick. I'm telling you.

  Jh and Tae are laughing, Yoongi walks in

Jh- Oh, hey Yoongi.

Sg- hello. How was your date?

T- Great. How was your day?

Sg- Productive.

Jh- Oh, great..

T- Yeah. Being productive can really warm up the.. brain. yeah.

JH- Yeah, it really does.

JH giggles nervously

T- Well, this is really awkard. I'm sorry, guys.

Sg- Don't apologize. Everything happens for a reason. PlUS I told Hobi that I wasn't really ready for a commitment so he's all yours.

Jh- Yoongi, are you sure you're okay? You seem actually okay today.

Sg- Yeah, TBH being single is great. I have space.

Jh- Space is what you need to think with if you're gonna come back-

T- What?!

Sg- tae, he didn't mean it like that.

T- Then how else did he mean it?

Jh- Baby, I'm sorry. But you know that I love you. it just slipped out okay?

T- So let me get this straight, you guys broke up because you loved me but you pushed me away and used me as a side piece while you were with Yoongi? And you come in my room and tell me...

Jh- Babe, stop. It's over and you don't need to tell him anything. Just please let this go.

Sg- Tae, what did he say to you while we were together?

Jh starts to grab Tae's shirt and pulls him away from Yoongi

T- He told me nothing.

Sg- Why won't you just tell me? I've already been hurt many times, you think this would make be feel better without knowing if Hobi cheated on me with his boyfriend?

T- Please, Hobi just tell Yoongi. You can't keep it a secret from him. he still like you.

Jh sighs

Sg- Well, tell me.

Jh- When I went to see Tae when he was sick, He asked me why I didn't confess to him before you told him that we were together. I told him that I pushed those feelings away so I wouldn't be confused anymore and I choose you Yoongi.

Sg- Okay?

Jh- Then he told me that he loved me more than a friend and I told him that I loved him too. But I told him as a friend because I didn't want to get his hopes up because I wanted a future with one of you and I choose Tae. 

Sg- So you told a man you didn't love that you wanted to be with him and you also told Tae aka your friend that you loved him but you weren't with him..

Jh- I'm sorry.

T- Hobi, you should've just never came that day. I would've never gotten over you but at least I could try to move on from you but now you look like you cheated.

Jh- Baby, no!

T- How can you love me but leave me in the dirt without telling me and like him but never feel the same as you may say? It's fake to Yoongi and I. It should've been a thinking decision before telling us your feelings while dating Yoongi.

tae leave to his room

Sg- Tae's right. It's so obvious that you loved him but you admitted it when we were together. You went to him to talk to him and fell in love all over again. I know you wanted to lay there with him instead of me. I feel like a used friend. I bet he feels like a used friend as well.

 Yoongi walks outside to the yard, sees Jimin with Jungkook

Jh starts crying, Tae hears him crying, feels bad

Jh talks to himself, Tae hears

Jh- What have I done.. I loved one person, told him to his face, I wanted him and I hurt my ex boyfriend. I don't understand this. I cheated with the fact that I  loved someone else and told him but never told my ex.

Continues sobbing, TAE SIGHS

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