It's more about trust

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Jhope walks outside to the pool area and sees Yoongi with Jin and Jungkook. He walks towards Yoongi.

Jh- Um, hey Yoongi.

Yoongi looks up, he stands up

Sg- Hey, Hobi. How have you been?

JH- Great. How about you?

Sg- I've been well. I heard you came back yesterday. I really misses you, Hobi.

J stands up and walks over to Yoongi

J- Do you want this floatie or that one?

Sg- Really Jin? It doesn't matter to me.

J- Okay, hey Hobi.

Jh- Hello Jin- Hyung. 

J- Oh did I interrupt-

Sg- Kind of, Jin.

J- Oh sorry, I'll leave now. Imma talk to kook.Bye.

Sg- Sorry, Jin and Namjoon aren't talking right now so he's been clingy with me and kook.

Jh- Why?

Sg- Namjoon and Jin got into a fight about Jin's friends. I guess he came home late from China and Joon was mad.

Jh- Omg, that's.. wow. I feel bad for Joon and Jin. I hope they can work it out.

Sg- Maybe.

Jh- Speaking of that, I wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or Tae. And yes I know it seems like I cheated on you by telling another man that I loved him and that I would come back for him. I t all sounded like I was using you for happiness and less confusion but Yoongi, when I was with you for those 3 to five days, I actually was happy with you because I have been wanting to confess to you.

Sg- Hobi.. this is all so much. It more about trust in this friendship not eh love we thought we shared.

Jh- I'm sorry. And it's the trust, I know.

Sg- But there's somethings I should admit.

Jh- Like what?

Sg- I admit that I knew you loved Tae and I was surprised when you told me that you liked me. I liked you and I wanted you but I felt bad because I knew that in your heart, your belonged to someone else and that was Taehyung. He loves you and you love him. I know that we weren't good to each other and I should've never confessed to you because you were confused. But I will always be you best friend because I still care about you my Hyung.

Jh- Yoongi, you shouldn't have dealt with me at all. You should've jut told me the truth in the first place about how you felt. I will always be your best friend because I know that in your heart you will be my best friend and we'll be there for each other.

Sg- So are we gonna be okay now? I care too much to lose this bond with you, Hobi.

Jh- Yes, we're cool. I missed you.

Sg- I  missed you too. I missed the way we used to connect over everything as friends.

Jh smiles. Yoongi hugs Hobi

Sg- I wish you and Tae the best of the future together. Take care of yourself, okay?

Jh- Of course. Do the same for me please. It will make me happy.

Sg- I will.

Jh- I have to go meet up with Tae. I'll see you later?

Sg- Yeah I'm taking Jin, kook, and Jimin to the fair. Maybe Joonie if he wants to see his man. You should come with Tae if you want. We will be leaving at 6 and come back at 9. Jimin is hurt so we can't keep him out too long so kook will keep him protected.

Jh- Poor Chim. And yeah I will join if Tae wants to. I'll let you know in a bit.

Sg- Okay. Bye Hobi.

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