You knew

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Sg- Hey, Hobi. Did you go see Tae this week?

Jh- Yeah, I did. He is getting better.

Sg- Yeah, I've noticed it.

Jh- Mhm..

Sg- It's because you talked to him.

Jh- No, he's medically getting better.

Sg- And mentally now that you talked to him about his feelings, right?

Jh- Babe, what are you talking about?

Sg- Tae told me that he was going to confess to you when I told him that we were together.

Jh- So you knew that Tae liked me and didn't tell me before I broke his heart that day?

Sg- HE told me not to say anything to anyone, not even you.

Jh- So what do I do now?

Sg- um, I think you should be with TAE. Isn't obvious that you like him?

Jh- No, it's not. I like you.

Sg- Oh come on, you love him and he loves you. He told me how he feels about you and I realized that I don't feel that much as he does for you. This happens everyday to people like me.

Jh- I don't wanna lose you..

Sg- And you won't. I will always like you but it's hard to love someone if I can't love myself. I guess what i'm trying to say is that I'm not ready for  a serious relationship. I just wanna be your best friend again. Is that okay?

Jh- Yeah, of course. I don't wanna lose you either. Thank you, Yoongi. I should've thought this through before rushing into a relationship with anyone. I hope you'll be okay with all this. You're amazing and deserve time to think about your love life.

Sg- take care, my hyung. I'll miss you. And thanks. I will think hard on my love life for my future love out there. Please take care of You and Tae for me. I care about both you so much..

Jh- I will, Yoongi. I'll see you later?

Sg- Yea, sure. Bye!

Jh- Bye!

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