I am not

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                                                                      2 weeks later

Jm- Hey, you've been on your phone for some time now.

Jk- Sorry, mochi. I am just texting my friend.

Jm- Who?

Jk- I rather not say who he is.


Jk- Uh, MOCHI. You're red.

Jm- No, Im not. Why are you talking to him?

Jk- Because he is my friend and he is going through a transition right now with his friend so I'm helping him out.

Jm- You can't just let him worry about it? You've been texting him for 2 hours bunny.

Jk- Mochi, are you jealous.. AGAIN?

Jm- No. I just wanna know why you rather text him then talk to me.

Jk- I do talk to you. In fact all day yesterday I hung out with you my love. Can I just talk to my friends?

Jm- Whatever, bunny. Im going to sleep now. Im tired of this.

Jk- Why are you mad at ME for? You're the one who won't let me talk to one friend. He is important to me and I can't lose my best friend.

Jm- So you rather lose me instead of him?

Jk- No! That's not the objective here. Im trying to say that you don't trust me enough to let me talk to my friends. I mean I wouldn't ever leave you for him! He is just a friend Mochi.

Jm- I understand that, bunny. I just need your attention.

Jk- Jimin, I gave all my attention to you 24/7.I would never keep my eyes off fo you. I always make sure i entertain you and even stop texting him to see what you're up to. I give my attention to you in ways that you don't know of. 

Jm- bunny... 

Jk-You know what? I'm going to sleep now. I have to see V tomorrow so I can help him with his dance for the album. 

Jm- Bunny, I'm sorry. I should've just let you text him without yelling at you.

Jk- Mhmm, goodnight, Jimin-hyung.

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