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"I need to go get this stuff to Pha" I tried to change the topic
N'Ming just smirked at me.
"Fine, lets go" he winked
The hair on the back of my neck instantly rose.

"So when are we going out on our date" He said in a serious tone.
I was startled by his question.
I froze when I saw his glowing smile. Damn I have really fallen hard for this guy if I thought his smile was this beautiful.

When we first started talking I couldn't imagine myself ever being sweet with him. But now that's all I want to do.
But I'm too scared to confess.

"I don't know" was all I said
He just frowned at me.
We went up to Pha's room and knocked on the door a couple of times but nobody would open.
N'Ming was leaning on the wall looking at me. His gaze made me blush, I tried to avoid it.
"Why don't we try going up to N'Yo's room" I suggested
He nodded his head and led me up to his room.

We got to N'Yo's room and knocked on the door a few times, nobody answered the door.
"So can we go on our date, where do you want to go?" N'Ming said as Pha swung the door open.

Pha looked at me and smirked
"Going on a date"
I looked at him and signaled him to stop. He chuckled and extended his hand for me to give him his papers. I quickly did and walked away.
"Take care of him for me N'Ming" I heard Pha say, teasingly.
"Of course, P'" Ming replied

Even his voice made me blush.

Ming POV

I walked up to P'Kit and smiled at him. I could see he was blushing.

He got into my car and tried to avoid my gaze as I climbed in the car.
"We can go to the noodle place" he mumbled.
But I heard him clearly.
"What is that you say P'Kit" I teased.
"Let's go to the noodle place" he said in a clear tone.
"For what? Why do you want to go to the noodle place" I continued to tease him.
"For our date" he whispered
"For our what, P'Kit" I couldn't help but laugh.
"For our date!" He yelled.
I gazed at him and smiled. His cheeks turned a bright red.

He ordered his food and I ordered mine. Honestly every second I spent with him was so difficult. All I wanted to do is grab him and kiss him, thats why it was so difficult being around him.
"Thanks P'" I said softly
He just looked up at me and pulled a nervous smile.


I drove back to my room after our dinner.
When we got inside my room he immediately jumped on the bed like he owned it.
He was so adorable.
I went in the bathroom and took a shower, when I got out he was there waiting for me with a towel in his hand.
"Took you long enough" he glared at me as he entered the bathroom.
A mad P'Kit was as adorable as a childish P'Kit.
I just wanted to pinch his cheeks.


When I got out of the shower he was sitting on the couch with a pillow and a blanket.

"What are you doing?" I said confused.
He looked at me. I got overwhelmed by his seriousness.
"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight, you can have the bed"
He looked annoyed.

What did I do wrong this time. He would leave the room a few times and when he would come back he would completely ignore me.
So I decided to follow him one of the times he went out, I know it was none of my business but he seemed suspicious.
I followed him all the way to the parking lot.
There waiting for him was Pha and N'Yo, I watched them talk for awhile. Then N'Ming got in the back of Pha's car.
What the hell was happening.

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