Get Out Of My House

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I fluttered my eyes open and I was in so much pain, I laid there for a few seconds trying to see if I could hear something, but it was dead silent. Not the sound of Ming cooking or him blasting some R&B song or the sound of the shower running, it was just dead silent, but I felt warm, like when you spend all day outside on a cold day and finally walk inside and it's warm and cozy, almost like that but this kind of warm, it was a warm that warmed my soul... cheesy right. I turn my head and was startled when my eyes met Ming's
"Are you okay P'Kit..." all I could do was smile. he stayed with me.
I realized that the warmth I felt was him, he was the one that warmed my soul
"i could use some pain killers..." I said scratching my head
I turned my head to the nightstand beside me and read the digital clock
"12:30pm" I read out loud, I suddenly realized that we had missed Ming's family meeting
"Ming! Your family meeting we missed it, it's been hours, why didn't you wake me up! It's even the next day, oh no, your dad is going to hate me even more!" I said getting up
"Hey, hey, hey, calm down Kit it's fine, that family meeting was yesterday's news, no need to worry about it now, plus why do I need some stupid family meeting with my father, when I'm with the only family I need" he said leading me back to the bed
He sat me in the bed and kneeled in front of me
"It's fine P'Kit, just take the painkillers and take a shower... or do you need my help" I didn't know if he was teasing me or was genuinely worried, he raised his eyebrow in a curious way waiting for my answer
"A little help would be fine..." I mumbled
He nodded his head and picked me up in his arms, I was surprised he was even able to hold my weight, when we got there he climbed in the shower with me and slid my boxers off
"Hey! What are you doing" I said, he looked at me confused
"Don't worry P'Kit, I'm not going to do anything to you, I'm just going to help you shower" he looked sad

Ming POV

I can't believe I hurt him, him who I love so much, I was actually able to hurt him, I just couldn't believe myself, I could have done better, I could have resisted, I hate myself.

"Okay help me with this... ow, ow!"Kit yelled
"I'm sorry P'Kit..." my eyes starting filling up with tears
"What..." he looked at me
"I'm sorry for hurting you..." I tried not to cry, he cupped my cheeks and brushed my hair lightly
"N'Ming no! Don't do that to yourself, trust me this pain is worth it, and this physically pain can never stop me from loving you Okay, I love you Ming" he said and pressed his lips against mine, I kissed him back and nodded
"I love you too, P'Kit" I said hugging him

After I helped him shower I cooked lunch for us. We were in the living room watching a movie, when there was somebody furiously knocking on the door.
"I'll open" kit said standing up
He opened the door slightly but P'Oat bursted in
"I told you to be at that meeting! How dare you disobey me!" He yelled
How dare he come to MY house and yell at me.
"I didn't have to go, and I didn't want to go" I yelled back
"I'm your father so you do as I say child!" He said pushing me on the couch, I jumped back up again
"Child... child my ass, and what father are you talking about, my father died years ago when he left my mom for being who SHE wanted to be..."
"...and now you come at me with this I'm your father bullshit, go feed it to someone else because I'm fed up with it, I'm tired of you thinking you can come in and out of my life as you please, Well that isn't going to happen anymore, because I'm cutting you out of it, I can make my own decisions, I'm an adult, I choose who to love and I choose who to spend the rest of my life with and I choose WHO gets to STAY in MY LIFE and if you don't like it, well that's not my problem, I'm tired of all your bullshit... get out of my house... get the hell out of my house! Get out!" I pushed him out the door, trying to catch my breath
"...and don't ever think about coming back, you hear me... because if I'm given the chance... I'll kill you... I'll kill you" I slammed the door shut, I immediately broke down in tears, Kit ran to embrace me
"N'Ming... N'Ming, Look at me..." he said in a soft voice
"You did the right thing... he can't make decisions for you your whole life, he can't come in your life whenever he pleases, you did the right thing... you have me it's okay" he hugged me tighter, he makes the shittiest moments better

(Sorry for any grammatical errors again. I've been working on another MingKit fanfic, tell me if I should post the first chapter today or tomorrow)

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