Day by Day

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Ming POV

Three years... three years have past. I couldn't be happier... well maybe a little bit happier.

I have officially graduated, I took over my fathers company after he died last year, Kit works at a hospital near the university.

He's constantly working his ass off. We talk about getting married and having kids but we're always to busy to come through with something. I'm not even sure that he still feels the same way about me anymore, he's been acting suspicious. Like he comes home hours after his shift at the hospital has ended and he lies to me, he tells me he's going to work but when I go out I see him hanging out with some girl or some guy that I don't know, I've never mentioned anything to him because I don't want him to think I'm into him or something.

But today... today was different.

When I woke up, he wasn't in bed, there was a note on his pillow saying he had an extra shift today. Kit doesn't work on Saturdays. There is always somebody there to cover for him. I turned the paper over to see the continuation of his note.
"I will be back late okay... so don't wait up for me" I read the note out loud. I grabbed the paper and balled it up, aiming at the trash can that was in the corner of the room, I threw the paper ball and missed the trash can.

Shit. I got up from the bed to pick it up. When I suddenly remembered something, I turned around and headed for the bedside table that was located on my side of the bed, I opened the first drawer and pulled out a small box, I opened it, it revealed two rings one with the words 'KitKat' engraved on it and one with the words 'I like KitKat' engraved on it, I chuckled at the rings before putting them back in the box. Those were our engagement rings, but I didn't have the guts to propose, since Kit has been acting like that, it took me a long time to get them perfect... somehow they would mess up the spelling or engrave it on the wrong ring, I had to pay extra money so I had to work extra hard.


I stumbled through the door fixing my shirt and froze at the sight of Ming sitting in the darkness, it seemed like one of those scenes in movies where you're parents catch you sneaking into your house... but this was probably worse. Ming stood up and turned the light on, he looked at his watch.

"It's three fucking a.m, Kit, what the hell is wrong with you!" He yelled grabbing my shoulders, I gulped before I answered him
"If you really want to know... I was hanging out with my friend from work... he treats me so well... I really like him" I chuckled, though I was really nervous of the way he would react, he looked up at me his eyes displayed a show of anger
"Yeah! He treats me well... unlike you Ming... he makes time for me... he touches me like I want him to and how I like it... unlike you!" I yelled, I watched how he held back his tears and sat on the floor, he put a hand over his mouth and closed his eyes, letting the tears flow.

He looked up at me desperate, his eyes telling me to tell him it was joke, that it was a lie... but I didn't say anything and he didn't either. I stared making my way to the stairs when I heard him mumble something, I turned around and put one hand on my hip
"What did you say!" I said leaning towards him
"I was going to propose and everything" he whispered then released a light chuckle
"You cheating bastard! I was going to propose to your cheating ass!" He yelled, he stood up and wiped his tears away.

I was frozen. What the hell did I just do.

"Ming..." I whispered reaching my hand towards him, he dodged my hand and grabbed his car keys
"Don't Ming me! You know I actually thought you were a good person! You... I... I'm... I... I let myself fall in love with you..." his tears flowing again, I rushed to embrace him
"Don't touch me... don't touch me!" He yelled as I put my arms around him, I held him tighter than I've ever held him before
"I'm sorry... it's a lie, I didn't sleep with anyone else I promise" I mumbled, both of us falling to the floor
"You liar... you liar!" Ming sobbed as he pulled my shirt
"I didn't I promise I didn't sleep with anyone... I thought... I thought you were cheating on me... because you've been so busy this past month... I thought that maybe if I pretended to cheat on you, that you'd come clean about cheating on me" I felt so ashamed of myself words couldn't describe it
"The rings... I was working to get enough money to make the rings perfect" he mumbled
"Why don't you trust me Kit!" He said pointing at a small box on the coffee table.

I walked up to the table, retrieving the box, I opened it and it revealed two rings, I grabbed them and analyzed them.
"KitKat" I read the words engraved out loud, 'I like KitKat' was written on the other, I smiled at the sight before turning back around to look at Ming, his hand was over his mouth trying to keep his sobs in, I walked up to him and grabbed his wrist.
"I love you Okay... I'm sorry that I hurt you... I'm sorry that I didn't trust you... I'm sorry that I lied... I'm ashamed of myself... but I love you Ming" I said cupping his cheek, he looked up at me
"Now please put this ring on my finger" I whispered, he nodded his head on took the ring with 'KitKat' engraved in it and put it on my finger.

I kissed his tears away, I pressed my lips against his
"I'm sorry" I whispered, he nodded his head before pulling me into his lap, he was still sitting on the floor. His tongue made his way into my mouth.
"I love you" I whispered into his mouth, he nodded his head
"I love you too" He whispered back.
What I did might have been selfish, very, but I couldn't help it, I felt like the love of my life was slipping away, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second, and I couldn't bear it.

(Sorry for any grammatical errors)

Do you guys like K-Pop? If you do which k-pop group is your favorite?

Also I'm so sorry to say but next chapter is the FINALE! Ugh I'm awkward and have no friends, sorry!

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