Father figure

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(Warning 18+ content ahead)

Ming was frozen, he looked at this man like he was scared of him, this man was well dressed and looked wealthy, when Ming didn't greet him he raised his thick eyebrow and scoffed

"Hello P' what brings you here, sir" Ming finally said breaking the awkward silence
"So this is your home... Mingkwan?" the man said slowly
"Yes sir... my mother helped me with the paperwork" Ming stated
"Ahh, yes, your mother always spoiling you... how is she and that woman" the man said smirking
"That doesn't really concern you sir" Ming said in a cold tone, the man chuckled
"Well you aren't going to invite me in Mingkwan?" The man said smiling
"Ahh, who's this young man" the man said pointing at me
"P', this... this is Kit... my boyfriend" Ming said no change in his tone
"Your mom did really ruin you didn't she" he laughed
"Ming..." I looked up at Ming
He sat beside me and grabbed my hand, "P'Kit this is P'Oat my father" I was stunned
"Wait... so he's older than you" P'Oat laughed hysterically, but Ming wasn't in the mood to entertain this mans stupid jokes.
"Well, I will be expecting you at today's family meeting, it will be at 3:30, call your mother tell her I'm expecting her too" He said clearing his throat, he got up and asked Ming to walk him to the door, he whispered something in Ming's ear but by his reaction it wasn't something funny.

Ming flopped down on the couch beside me
"Well you didn't tell me your dad was coming..." I said putting my hand on his thigh
"Because I didn't know, he hasn't spoken to me in years" Ming scoffed
I brushed my fingers on his thigh, and sat on his lap facing him
"Don't let him get to you... babe" I whispered into his mouth
He licked his lips and grabbed my chin, he titled his head and leaned in to kiss me but before he did, I jumped off of his lap and ran up stairs, I could hear him yelling behind me, he chased me into the master bedroom, I grabbed a pillow and smacked him
"Ow, that's how you wanna play, then that's  how we're gonna play" he jumped on top of the bed, grabbed the other pillow and started smacking me with it.

We both eventually got tired of smacking each other with pillows so we just laid there looking at the ceiling, when Ming abruptly jumped on top of me
"You're coming with me to the meeting" he said in a low voice
"You are family after all" he mumbled and pulled a smile on his face
"No! I am, I didn't think I was!" I said teasingly, he grabbed my both my hands and pinned them up above my head, he held them with his left hand and put his right hand underneath my shirt
"N'Ming!" I yelled
"What you don't like it" he said, he slowly moved his hands downwards reaching my pants, he unbuttoned them
"Say you'll come with me to the meeting, or..." he said, it was difficult for me to hold in my moans, he pulled away from my body and stood over the bed
"At least come take a shower with me please" he looked at me with such dreamy eyes, I couldn't resist
"Okay... but don't touch me..." he raised his eyebrow and smirked at me

Ming POV

He took his clothes off slowly, but he didn't take his boxers off until we were inside the shower.
A few minutes have passed, he has had his back facing towards me the whole time, I walked forwards hugging him from behind, my bare length touching him, he turned around quickly
"N'Ming... what did I tell you..." he gulped as he looked down at my length, he reached his hand behind him and turned the water off, he was breathing really hard when he suddenly grabbed my neck and kissed me, I licked his lips, asking him for entrance, he parted his lips  slightly but I took over his mouth.

I grabbed his waist and pushed him against the shower wall, I pulled him up and he wrapped his legs around me, he looked me straight in my eyes before breaking off out kiss
"N'Ming..." he said gasping for air
"Please use the lube..." his eyes were full of lust
We kept a bottle of lube inside the bathroom, just Incase someone needed it, you know... for their necessities.

I reached my arm to grab the bottle lube, when I finally grabbed it Kit pulled it out of my hands
"Give me your hand N'Ming hurry" he said pulling my hand and pouring some lube on it, wow he sure looked beautiful like this
I put my first finger in his hole and thrust it in and out, making sure I hit his spot
"Ahh..." he moaned as I put my second finger in, I kept thrusting him with my fingers, he arched his back on the wall
"N'Ming just put it in me... just do me" he kissed me
I was hesitant for a second, I didn't want to hurt him
"Now N'Ming!" He yelled
I pushed my length in his hole
"N'Ming... go slow it hurts a little" he mumbled
I tried to go as slow as I could still thrusting him back and forth, he grabbed my shoulder and arched his back, I knew I hit his spot again
"Okay, now go a little bit... Ahh" he moaned
"Faster N'Ming... fa-faster" he stuttered as I started to thrust his faster
"N'Ming, I'm gonna c—" he came all over him self and I came inside him a second after, I carried him to the bed, my length was still inside him, I laid him in the bed and pulled out.

He rolled on top of me he was panting
"N'Ming... I want you to do me again" I got hard again just by hearing him say that
"Wait let me grab the lube" I said
"No!, no baby... no, like this is fine" he led my tip to his entrance and pushed my length slowly inside him, moving his body up and down, I grabbed his waist and flipped him, I thrusted him faster than before
"Ahh... ahh"
"So... fu- good" he moaned
"Ahhhh... ahhh... Ming" he moaned my name, he opened his eyes and looked me straight in my eyes, I came just by this sight, he came with me. I love him so much.

A/ n: omg this is so cringe

(Sorry for any grammatical mistakes. Also I'm sorry, this time I didn't write an alternative chapter for this one, I just wanted it to be a little easier to continue the story, again sorry if you wanted one)

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