Welcome Home

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Ming grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the house, I was mesmerized by it's beauty
"Take a tour of the house, I'll wait for you down here" Ming said with a smile on his face
So I did, I studied every nook and cranny, every corner of the house, every inch, I had just seen the second floor when I started walking down stairs, the house was fully furnished with luxurious and expensive furniture, the paint on the walls seemed thick and expensive, the colors were rich and bold, the furniture complemented the walls really well, I looked at Ming who was smiling widely at me
"This looks like a house you'd live in" I whispered
"So special..." I said sarcastically
He frowned at me and pulled me to the back door, he swung the door open and I froze, completely froze, he took a few steps behind me giving me some space. There in the back yard was a big beautiful pool and beside it, a dog cage, when I saw the dog cage so many emotions took over me, to most people a dog cage is just that, a dog cage, but to me it was much more than that, to me that dog cage was more like a promise, a promise made by Ming. I turned half around facing Ming, he had an evil smirk on his face
"Ming..." I mumbled
He came up to me and turned me around making me see the dog cage again
"You can play with the dogs out here and our friends can come over and hang out in the pool..." he said pointing at different places in the area
I was in shock, I swiftly turned around and planted a kiss on his lips
"Is this... are you serious" I whispered, giving him another kiss
He walked backwards slowly, spreading his arms widely
"Welcome home Kitty!" His voice so sweet I melted
I could help but smile, I had butterflies in my stomach, I felt like twirling around, I ran to Ming who was now sitting on a couch, I sat on his lap and watched as his eyes started widening, I smiled at him and kissed him
"Our house..." I whispered into his mouth
He pushed me away and looked into my eyes
"Kitty I can't resist myself when you're acting this seductive" he mumbled
"Then don't resist yourself" I said a smirk on my face
I felt ready, I am ready, I love this man so much, and I know what I want. I know it's right.

(I wrote two versions for chapter 19, one where Ming refuses Kit's offer and one where he accepts *cough* 18+ *cough* so tell me which one to post, also I'll explain Ming's behavior better)

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