Manipulation Voice

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"Ow" I accidentally bit Ming's lip, I was nervous.
I don't know what was wrong with me.
"I'm sorry, N'Ming I'm sorry" I said pleading for his forgiveness
"It's fine Kit, don't worry, you know I'll wait for you" he used the sweetest voice
I felt bad that I had to make him wait for me, I wasn't ready but that doesn't mean that everybody isn't ready, there is nothing stopping him from going out and finding someone that is ready for him.


Ming has been busy these past few days, like barely has time for me busy. He goes up to his parents house almost every day.

I was at my dorm room when suddenly there was a really loud knock on the door, I rushed over to open it, i recognized the knocking pattern, it was the same me and Ming do, I know its weird to have a knocking pattern with your boyfriend, but he thought it was cool so I just went along with it. I opened the door and he had a smile that stretched from one ear to the other.
"Could you just knock softly" I asked irritated
"No Kit, you take your time to open the door, I just wanted to see you as soon as possible" he said sweetly
"So you suddenly have time for me, huh" I looked him straight in his eyes, the glow that was there dimmed and he looked at the floor, tears filled his eyes and fell to the ground
"All I ever want to do is make you happy Kit... I'm sorry if I made you feel like i wasn't with you enough" his voice cracked, I pulled him into a hug, he was trembling.
I made Ming cry again.
"Ming... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that" i tried to comfort him
"You're right, I don't make enough time for you, I'm sorry" he fell to the ground, he was having an emotional breakdown, I tried to keep him from crying I knelt down beside him and ran my fingers through his hair
"Ming, look I love you and every moment with you is valuable and precious to me"
"Here, come sit with me over here" I tried to pull him up but he wouldn't budge, all of a sudden he started laughing.
"What!?" I yelled
He continued laughing
"Do you remember the first time you made me cry P'Kit" his voice was soft and clear
I nodded my head
"Yeah the time I was talking to P'Aim and told her I didn't have a boyfriend" that made Ming laugh even harder he abruptly stopped laughing and looked at me with a serious look on his face he raised an eyebrow and shook his head in disbelief
"No, P'Kit that's wrong" he said in playful voice
"How? I remember"
"No, apparently you don't, huh" he continued
"The first time you made me cry was that time I heard you talking about Prem ' I already have someone I like and it isn't him' thats what you said, it made me so devastated, I thought you were talking about me... I cried" He bursted out laughing again. Then he looked at the floor again and tears started falling to the ground again
"I thought... I thought you were talking about me..." okay I knew he was having an emotional breakdown but this is weird, his abrupt mood swings were scary, they didn't happen often, they only usually happened when he was under extreme pressure, like a month ago when he was being pressured to complete a group project by himself because his teammates were selfish pricks whom only thought about drinking and sleeping around.
He just kept on sobbing with no signs of stopping, I completely sat on the floor and pulled his body closer to mine and we both just sat there, we weren't even inside my dorm room we're outside the door, his head was on my lap and I was leaning against the wall, we both eventually fell asleep there.
I heard a beeping sound that was just irritating, I opened my eyes and tried to adjust them to the darkness, I felt Ming's arm around me
"Ming..." I whispered
"Mmh" he hummed
"Where are we..." I asked
"Inside your room...I dragged you in after you fell asleep" he mumbled
"I thought you fell asleep first"
"No P'Kit, I had just stopped feeling like shit, so I stopped crying" he was silent for a minute
"Just go back to sleep, we have a big day ahead of us" he pulled me closer to his body, crossed his legs with mine and intertwined his fingers with mine, I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck, it was consistent, steady, relaxing, I fell asleep in his embrace.
I woke up and rubbed my eyes, Ming was sitting on the edge of the bed beside me fully dressed and ready to leave.
"P'Kit, I'm sorry for having a breakdown yesterday, I'm sorry if I bothered you" he frowned
"You don't bother me Ming, I'm always happy to help you, you know that" I said reaching for his hand
He pulled me up and pointed at the bathroom.  Was he so eager for me to take a shower. I walked to the bathroom, I stood there in front of the mirror wondering what was up with Ming, when I got out of the shower there were two plates on the table
"Come eat breakfast, I want to be on the road as soon as possible" he hurriedly stood up and pulled the chair out for me, that's how I know he was nervous, when he's nervous he forgets what he's doing or does things without thinking, like pulling the chair out for me or opening the car door for me, I've told him almost a million times that I can do those by myself, he always lets me do it by myself except when he's nervous, but what was he nervous about exactly.

Ming POV

He kept on glancing at me the whole time we were eating breakfast it only made me more nervous
"Did you cook this?" He said in a sweet tone
I nodded my head yes
"Well it's delicious, very great cooking skills you have there, maybe... you can teach me" his voice sweet and gentle, but don't let the sweet and gentle part fool you, this was his manipulation voice, the voice he uses when he wants to get something out of me. I just smiled at him. He finished his breakfast and stood up, he went up to me and took my plate he washed the dishes and I just sat there like an idiot. He went up to me from behind and put his hands on my shoulders and started rubbing them
"Ming, you're a little... tense" he gasped, the way he paused in between his sentences made me even more nervous. He leaned down to my ear and whispered
"What's our plan for today..." his tone made me jumpy.
I stood up pushing his hands off me, there was sweat dripping down my forehead and he smiled proudly
"Uhm, lets go..." I took his hand and lead him down to the parking lot, I opened the door for him, he raised his eyebrow and smiled, shit I did it again, he definitely knows something is up now.
"Where are you taking me Ming" he said putting his hand on my thigh
"Uhm, s-somewhere special" I tried to sound confident, but I was failing, his sweet looks and gestures, body language and words, could beat me in a fight at any time. We pulled up at a big beautiful house, when I saw it, all my worries were gone I was sure of what I was doing. The house was white and had a pool in the back, as soon as I parked the car Kit removed his hand from my thigh leaning forward to take a better look at the house.
I got out of the car and poked my head through the open window
"Let's have a date" he gulped when I said that.
"This is special to you..." he asked
"Yeah, we were going to do this yesterday but we had some... complications, I want our date to be here it a beautiful house, trust me you'll like it" I smiled
He raised his eyebrow and climbed out of the car, he looked at the house and sighed.
This was probably the best decision I've ever made so far.

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