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Ming POV

Kit walks in front of me looking at his phone, we just got out of the movies.
I still don't know if he feels comfortable
with being with me in public.
"N'Ming can we go to the dog shelter..." he said not looking up from his phone
"N'Ming..." he turned around and looked at me.
"N'Ming what are you doing, cmon let's go to the dog shelter..." I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.
He cocked his eyebrows and gave me a serious look.
"Ming" he said with a cold tone
He extended his arm signaling me to take his hand, I was hesitant, I didn't know if he was serious, but before I could make a decision he walked up to me and grabbed my hand, he intertwined his fingers with mine.
"We're going to the dog shelter" he said that is such a serious tone I couldn't help but smile.

We got to the dog shelter, and he went straight to the puppies I didn't know he liked dogs this much.
"One day I want to adopt one..." he said his eyes glowed with happiness
"Well maybe when you marry me and we live together I can get you one..." I said in a soft tone
He seemed more comfortable with me in public. He smiled at me and nudged my elbow.

On the way back home he was quiet, he would constantly avoid my gaze and stare out the window.
When we got to my house I was about to get off the car when he abruptly grabbed my arm, I turned around and looked at him, he was crying.
"Do you really want to marry me or was it just you making fun of me" his voice started cracking
"I love you Kit, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, of course I want to marry you..." I said as I caressed his cheek
"...or do you think everything that comes out of my mouth is a joke..." he held my hand
"...I wouldn't joke about something like that... especially with the person I love"
I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the forehead I smiled at him and got out of the car, he got out right behind me.


He walked right in front of me, I grabbed his hand as he opened the door.
We walked inside, P'Aim and Ming's mom were sitting at the table drinking.
"what's the special occasion" Ming said curious
His mom looked up at him and smiled then she looked back at P'Aim, her eyes glowing with happiness.
P'Aim lifted her hand and waved her fingers showing off a beautiful diamond.
"My boyfriend proposed to me!" She yelled with such happiness in her voice, Ming sighed and looked at me he let go of my hand and hugged P'Aim they talked for a few minutes, he didn't say anything when he came back to me he just grabbed my hand and pulled me to his room.
"What a coincidence" he finally said.
"Yeah..." I let out a heavy sigh
"Well my mom is planning this fancy dinner tomorrow, so that we can meet him... I've never got along with any of my sisters boyfriends, they were all douchebags so I'm glad you'll be there" he said sadly
"What's bothering you" I asked
He looked at me with concern in his face
"They just started dating, don't you think it's a little too early" i get he was worried for his sister.
"It's gonna be fine" I said brushing his hair lightly
It's going to be fine.


His mom woke us up pretty early, she said we had to help with the dinner later.
We helped prepare for the dinner, I didn't know how great Ming's cooking skills were, the only time I tried his cooking was about two months ago when he cooked me breakfast.

There was knock on the door and Ming being Ming ran to open the door. Everybody was startled when N'Ming started yelling at whoever was at the door we all ran from the kitchen to the front door, while P'Aim tried to stop Ming from punching the guy at the door, I was frozen.
I can't believe it's actually him. Why him?

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