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*2 months later*

Ming POV

Today me and P'Kit make two months. I fall more and more in love with him everyday, so I wanted to do something special for him, he always scolds me about wanting to do something special for him in public. Nobody really knows we're dating except our friends. He said he'd like to keep it that way, but I just want to tell the whole world.
A few departments have a break since there is a lot of construction going on around here, they don't want students to get hurt, so we have a week off. I was planning on taking P'Kit up to meet my mom and sister, but I haven't asked him yet.
I went to pick him up at his department since he had a few tests to finish before going on break.
I saw him sitting on a bench with a girl, I see that a lot since nobody knows we're dating. But this wasn't just any girl I knew this girl personally, she was a 4th year senior. I could hear their conversation from where I was standing.
"Do you have a girlfriend" She asked
Her name was Aim, me and her were very close, extremely close.
"No, I don't" He said in a soft voice
"Do you have a boyfriend then"
"What! No I don't I'm not gay, P'Aim, why would ask a question like that!" he yelled
She cocked her eyebrows and nodded her head slowly. Like she couldn't believe he just said that. She looked up at me and shrugged her shoulders.
"N'Ming..."she said slowly
I was frozen in place, all those memories about me misunderstanding P'Kit about P'Prem came rushing back to me, how I heard him say "I don't like him..." those words kept repeating in my head.
He turned his head slowly and gulped, his eyes widened and he was shaking, he looked terrified.


Did he hear me say that. Is he mad. He's definitely going to kill me isn't he.

But he just stood there he didn't say anything, like he was frozen. He turned around and slowly started to walk away he put his hand over his mouth like trying to stop himself from yelling.
"N'Ming..."I whisper
It was enough for him to turn around. He looked straight into my eyes. They were blank, they were glistening with tears. When I didn't say anything he closed his eyes.

One single tear ran down his cheek onto the hard cold floor.
I made him cry. What I thought impossible had just happened in front of my own two eyes.
He turned around and walked away.
P'Aim slowly got up in her seat and started walking in N'Ming's direction she stopped in front of me and frowned.
"I fell sorry for you" she sook her head and caught up with N'Ming.
I saw her stop him and pull him into a hug, she lightly brushed his hair and led him to his car he climbed in and she did too.
I was scared, what were they going to do and did N'Ming just break up with me.

I called him a few times but he wouldn't answer, I went to his dorm room to see if he was there, I went to N'Yo's room to see if he was there but he was nowhere to be found. I called him again and this time someone picked up.
"Yes..." I woman's voice, sounded familiar.
"P'Aim is that you" I yelled
"Yeah, N'Ming is busy right now"
Busy! With what, what were they doing my mind went to all kinds of places.
"Ming, Aim the food is ready come eat..." another woman's voice sounded over the phone.
I was confused.
"I have to go my mom is calling us" she sounded frustrated.
"Wait you took him to your house" I was getting a little angry.
She chuckled.
"Our, it's our house, me and Ming live together like most siblings do" her voice now soft and friendly
Wait P'Aim was Ming's sister.

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