Happy just Happy

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Ming POV

A couple of months have past since me and Kit had that conversation. But I'm just as happy with our relationship.

I was sitting alone at a bench near my department trying to figure out how to solve a problem that P'Forth had with his drone design, when suddenly Kit plops beside me his face was pale and he was sweating
"N'Ming, can you go meet my parents" he said sighing softly
What? He wants me to meet his parents.
"Uhm, Kit are you sure you want me to meet your parents" I asked softly
"Well, you don't have a choice my mom already knows I'm dating someone and she wants to meet you" he said casually
"Does she kn-" he abruptly cut me off
"Yes! She knows you're a guy, so does my dad, so..." he said in a pleading tone
"Well can I have some time to go change" I jumped up
"No time, We just got off the phone she wants to meet you now, like today N'Ming please" he begged
I couldn't resist him
"Fine okay just tel-" he grabbed my arm and ran towards my car.
"Didn't you bring your own car P'Kit" I asked
"No Pha dropped me off" I was nervous I didn't know what else to talk about.

He told me the directions to his parents house.
We pulled up in a beautiful small house, it was light brown and had light blue shingles, his mom was standing outside waiting for us. She was short and skinny, she had dark brown shoulder length hair and had big brown eyes. We went up to her she looked at her watch like telling us we were late, she extended her hand, I shook her hand and smiled at her she looked at Kit.
"He has a beautiful smile Kit" she said with a smile on her face
I sighed in relief, she didn't hate me.
I walked into their house and Kit's dad was sitting on a couch
"Do you want a beer" he asked
"Uhm, no thank you I'm not in the mood"
"Suit yourself son" he chuckled
Time went by, I genuinely enjoyed talking with his family, they were so normal, so understanding, so open minded, when Kit's mom laughed two big dimples marked her face, just like my Kitty's dimples.
We said goodbye and got in my car, Kit still had a big smile on his face.
"What's up" I said grabbing his hand
"Happy... I'm just happy" I smiled and started the engine


As soon as we got to Ming's dorm his phone rang, he looked at his screen then shifted his gaze towards me, he looked sad and empty all of a sudden.
He answered the phone.
"Hello P'Aim" he said in a sad tone
Ah Yes, P'Aim, she could be considered the bearer of bad news, last month she gave everybody the news she was pregnant with Prem's baby, now that's not necessarily a bad thing but, it's Prem's, so...
She was also going to move in with him, he bought her a house in America, I'm just glad their leaving but Aim has been bugging Ming nonstop about paying for her and Prem's flight tickets all week, she just likes to bug people she is really rich and so is her fiancé why does she even bother.
"No P'Aim I already told you I'm not paying for those shit pieces of paper buy them yourself, you're the one moving to America not me!" He yelled
Might I add that Prem hasn't given up on the idea that I can be his boyfriend, he disgusts me, Aim even saw him hitting on me but decided to brush it off because she thinks that will get her the perfect family, jokes on her, so naive. I've grown to dislike P'Aim everyday, every time I hear her name I can't help but feel hatred, it's not really like me but I can't help it.
Soon I'll be a third year and Ming a second year I'm so excited, I can feel that me and Ming's relationship will grow I can just feel it.
We've never... uhm... never shared any you know, intimate moments, I mean we kiss, sometimes we make out, but never you know, I'm not ready yet, though Ming's said he'd wait until I was.


It's been a few hours me and Ming have been watching some show on Netflix when he suddenly grabbed my hand.
"When we get married, do you want it to be this big wedding or a small almost secret one" he asked casually
We've never talked about how are wedding was going to be, if we had one.
"Our house, what do you prefer, small, big, medium size" he continued
"Our dog, I promised you I'd get you a dog, what breed, chihuahua... or what breed do you like..." he was silent for a second
"Because I'll give it all to you, you know..."
I lifted my head up to see his face, there were tears coming out of his eyes.
"Ming, what's wrong..." I caressed his cheek
"Happy... I'm just happy" i remember I said that to him when we left my parents house. Something impulsed me to kiss him, kissing turned into making out and then... ow.

(Again, sorry for any mistakes, I'll try to make Aim and Prem disappear by next chapter, I'm not yet sure how I'm going to continue next chapter judging by the ending in this one. Tell me what you want to see in the next chapter so that I know what to write please)

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