You're still hurt

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I rubbed my eyes and stretched out on the bed. I honestly don't know how I got here, Ming was laying beside me with his arm over me, I pushed his arm off and got up to the bathroom, after I took my shower I started hearing movement outside the bathroom door, I swung the door open and Ming was standing in front of the door with a weird smile on his face, I jumped
"Ow! Ming what the hell, you scared me!" I yelled at him, he chuckled and grabbed my waist, I flinched a little from yesterday's accident, he put a pill between his lips and kissed me pushing the pill in my mouth
"I saw how you flinched with every step you took getting to the bathroom... painkillers will help..." he chuckled, letting go of my waist
"Did you have to kiss me to give me the pill, couldn't you just give it to me in my hand" I said, I mean I didn't hate it but...
"But then I wouldn't be able to give you your good morning kiss, you wouldn't let me at least..." he frowned as he sat at the edge of the bed, I walked up to him and put my hands on the bed beside him, I leaned down and kissed him, he grabbed my neck and flipped me over on the bed
"it still hurts Ming..." I said bitting my lips, but I couldn't resist it, I grabbed his neck and pulled him closer, he chuckled and pressed his tongue on my lips, I let him take over my mouth

I only had a towel around my waist, he grabbed my leg and pulled it up over his waist he slowly took my towel off and let go of me, he started laughing when he saw I was already hard
"The room is yours, do what you need to..." he said chuckling at himself
"N'Ming" I gasped, how could he do this to me, this is next level teasing
"You're still hurt, I wouldn't want to hurt you more..." he said opening the door, he was still chuckling
"N'Ming... do me!" I yelled as he closed the door
"No!" He yelled back, ugh I just took a shower, I have no other choice.

(Very quick and small chapter, sorry for that but I hope you enjoy it)

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