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I took my shoes off and walked inside slowly admiring every inch of his home, he led me all the way to the kitchen.
P'Aim and his mom were sitting at the kitchen table still eating dinner. It wasn't like I thought it was, N'Ming's mom I mean, she was tall, skinny, big black eyes and beautiful reddish-brown hair, she didn't look much older than P'Aim , her reaction to me wasn't what I expected either, when I walked into the kitchen her face lit up, she didn't look mad she looked glad that I had come.
"A man willing to chase my son, is a man I respect and love dearly" she said a smile on her face
Ming blushed.
"He's chasing me..." I said softly
She smiled at both of us.
"Actually, I'm not chasing you anymore..." Ming said as he frowned
Has he not forgiven me?
"...because I already caught you" he smiled.
I felt my face get hot, why did he have to be so damn cheesy.
P'Aim gaged and his mom had a huge smile on her face.
"Well I'm glad you've made up" she chuckled
"Come sit, this week is going to be great with you here" she said softly

"Well since N'Ming brought his boyfriend home can I bring mine" P'Aim begged her mom to let her bring her boyfriend.
"Fine, bring him on Wednesday" she said annoyed.


"You'll sleep in my room with me..." N'Ming said opening his bedroom door
That wasn't what I expected either.
It was clean, very clean, his walls were white but there were posters and pictures of him and his friends together, he had a bookshelf with a bunch of great books, some were in different languages.
He sat on his bed picking on his nails, I sat beside him.
He looked at me. Those eyes, those eyes could make anyone fall in love with him.
I grabbed his hand and gave it a light squeeze.
He leaned in to give me a kiss and before his lips touched mine, I let the only words that mattered roll out of my mouth
"I love you" then his lips touched mine and in that moment I lost all control over my body he caressed my cheek and my knees got weak. He pulled back.
"I love you too"
He smiled at me and pointed to the other side of the room.
"The toilet is over there if you need it" he chuckled and leaned back on the wall turning the tv on. I practically ran to the bathroom.
When I finally came out some show was on tv but he was sound asleep.
I climbed on the bed beside him and put his arm around me. I heard him laugh slightly before he pulled the cover over me.
"Goodnight P'Kit" he kissed the back of my head and threw his leg over my body.

Ming POV

I woke up pretty early me and Kit had made plans to go out today, but he was still asleep.
When I woke up his back wasn't facing me anymore, I could see his beautiful face, he slept on my arm, it was cramping but I was fine with it as long as I had this view.
He fluttered his eyes open.
"You ready..." he had a wide smile on his face
I nodded my head and quickly sat up.
He sat up beside me and immediately blushed, he gave me a shy smile before getting up.
Honestly this man.
It's been six hours since Kit came to my house but it feels like it was forever ago.
We changed our plans for my birthday and decided to go on a date maybe to the movies or we could go to the mall or something, I just know I wanted to spend my birthday with him.

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