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Ming opened the door. It was like seeing him made me snap back into reality. My heart dropped to my stomach and sank.
"N'Ming..." I whispered
"P'Kit your soaking wet come inside" he said softly
But I didn't move, instead of moving I broke down in tears.
Right in front of him.
"P'Kit..." he grabbed my hand
"Come inside, please"
He pulled me inside.
"P'Kit are you okay!" He said shaking my shoulders.
"I'm fine, but I'm not leaving until you hear my explanation"
I tried to sound tough
"Fine"He said with his head down

Ming POV

I couldn't bring my self to look him in the eye I didn't want to get hurt, again.

"There is this guy..." he started
I could see he was nervous
"...In my department, who keeps bothering me..." I looked up at him, he was crying
"...and I told him many times that I couldn't return his feelings because I'm in love with someone else"
When he said that, my blood started boiling.
"After I rejected him, he started to send me messages threatening me and threatening to find who ever the person is"
I tried not to punch the wall.
"He sent me a text an hour ago, it had a picture attachment..."
He sounded scared
"...Of your door..." he said wiping his tears
"And I got scared, I forgot to grab my car keys so I ran here as fast as I could"
"P', I'm so sorry that I treated you that way, I should have listened to you"
I hugged him and surprisingly this time he just let it happen.
"I'm okay P'Kit, don't worry"
He hugged me back.
"Do you want me to take you home or do you want to sleep with me on my bed" I teased
He pushed me away.
"Can I sleep on the couch" he glared at me

I'm glad it's back to normal between us, but I still haven't asked him and I don't plan on doing that today, I mean all he's been through tonight.
I wouldn't want to put more pressure on him.


N'Ming insisted on me staying at his place for a few days to make sure I was safe.
So I agreed.
Damn, I could live here forever, this man has snacks galore.

I trust him a bit more to sleep on the bed with him, but if he tries something I leave.

"N'Ming can you take me home today, I need to pick up some stuff for Pha" I asked
"Sure let's go" he said with a charming smile

On our way to my dorm room N'Ming was quieter than usual, he would constantly bite his nails or glance at me.
When we got to the building he walked in front of me, and he was constantly looking around like if he was looking for something.

"P'Kit, I know you're in there"
A rough low voice came from around the corner.
"Who is that!" N'Ming whispered
I just shook my head
N'Ming rushed around the corner.
"Ah, N'Ming" He said in a cold tone
"P'Prem what is it you want?"
N'Ming was mad and when he got mad he was cold and reckless.

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