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I got up early in the morning so that I could get breakfast for N'Ming and I. Today I am supposed to go back to my dorm room, I also have to be in class early. But when I woke up N'Ming wasn't there.

He usually always wakes up before me, especially when he has class but he always wakes me up before he leaves.
I hurriedly put some decent clothes on and sprinted down stairs to the parking lot to check if his car was there, but it wasn't.

He's been acting weird these past few days.
I called him a few times until he picked up.

" P'Kit" he sounded out of breath
"Where are you, I have a class today, you were supposed to wake me up remember"
"Shit. Sorry P'Kit I'll pick you up in a minute" he cursed under his breath.


"Sorry, P'Kit" he said in a pleading tone
There was sweat dripping from his forehead.
I took a deep breath, I didn't want to hear the answer to my next question. I just wanted to get it off of my chest.
"N'Ming, do you have a girlfriend, is that why you are sneaking out all the time" I said seriously.
He hit the breaks so hard I nearly hit my head on the dashboard.
He was lucky there wasn't any cars behind us.
"P'Kit! I might be doing lots of things, but sneaking around with a girl isn't one of them!" He yelled
"I told you once P'Kit, that the reason I left my ex was because I liked you, that still stands P'Kit" he glared at me before he continued driving

If I felt he was cold before, this car ride definitely made me change my mind. He can be so much worse.

"Thanks for the ride N'Ming will yo-"
He drove off before I could finish my sentence.
I called him a few times but he wouldn't answer. He didn't come pick me up from my faculty so I had to tag along with Pha and N'Yo.
"So I asked N'Ming if he was sneaking around with a girl and he got extremely mad at me" I said.
Pha slammed the breaks and looked back at me so did N'Yo they both shook their heads in disbelief.
"Why did you do that Kit!"yelled Pha
"I don't know I was just curious" now I was really curious were they also involved in N'Ming's strange behavior.

Ming POV

It all has to be perfect. I have little time left. Especially after that question he asked me this morning.
He knocked on the door.
"N'Ming, I know you're in there, please open the door"he said in a pleading tone.
I swung the door open and pulled him inside.
It was pitch black.
"N'Ming what is this, turn the lights on, I have something serious to talk to you about"
"Me too, so please listen up..." my voice started cracking.
"I know these past few days I've been out of it but I have a logical reason, and I know I acted like a douche this morning in the car after you asked me if I had a girlfriend..."
"N'Ming... please turn the light on so that we can have a normal conversation" he begged
"No, P'Kit wait, the lights are off because I can't see you, I don't want to see your reaction when I ask you this"
"What is it..." He whispered
"Can...will you be my boyfriend?" My voice soft and quiet.
It was completely silent. Then I felt it, I felt him, his arms suddenly wrapped around my waist and hugged me tightly.


"So is that a yes!" He said excitedly
"Yes" i whispered
"What is that P'Kit" he teased
"YES" I yelled
He hugged me back. I quickly let go of him and pushed him away. He couldn't see me right now but I was so happy, I was smiling like an idiot.

"So why were you acting so suspicious, eh?" I asked
"Well this was all supposed to happen on your birthday party, that I was helping Pha organize. That's why I was meeting up with him" I got goosebumps from hearing him say that in the dark.
"I had to get up really early in the morning to go and help him with some stuff" he said in a depressed tone
"But when the day comes you have to act surprised, I wasn't supposed to tell you anything" he quickly stated after

It was still pitch black. I'm shocked. I thought I would be able to refuse him if he ever asked. I think I have really fallen hard for this one.

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