One and Only

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Ming skipped through the door with a package in his hands. He dropped it on the coffee table and sat down on the couch in front of him. He opened it and pulled out a bunch of thick cards, all neatly put together by a thin ribbon.

He held the cards up to his face, a huge grin plastered on his face. He undid the ribbon and took one of the cards from the stack. "Ahh" he exclaimed excitedly.

"Ming and Kit's wedding
We would appreciate if you would come to this very important event.
This invitation is for everybody, your friends, family, lovers..." Ming was interrupted by Kit flipping on the couch beside him.

Ming looked up from the cards and fixed his gaze on Kit who was mumbling something under his breath.
"What's wrong" Ming asked taking Kit's hand in his
"Nothing... I just...why can't we just get married like right now... why do I have to wait till next month" Kit pouted which earned him a laugh from Ming.
"Just wait time will go by fast, I promise" Ming pecked Kit on the lips before getting up, he grabbed his coat and his car keys, he turned around and gestured Kit to come with him, soon they were both delivering their wedding invitations.

Ming was correct, time did go by fast... extremely fast.


Kit was standing on the other side of the door, pacing back and forth, his hands were shaking, he managed to block out any sound, fixing his mind on Ming, his laugh, how he wanted to spend his life with him, suddenly the doors opened revealing Ming, the love of his life, his everything. For Kit everything was a blur he didn't even remember walking up to the isle he only remembered taking Ming's hands. He listen attentively to Ming's vows then it was Kit's turn to say his vows, he did and the sound of clapping invaded his ears they walked back down the isle. Kit looked down at his hand and there was a ring on his finger a wedding ring. He still couldn't hear anything but Ming's laughter.

Ming took Kit's hands and kissed them.
"I promise that for the rest our lives you'll be the first person I think of when I wake up" Ming started tearing up, Kit cupped Ming's cheek and smiled.

"I promise that for the rest of our lives I'll love you..." Kit's tears started flowing
"...that for the rest of our lives you'll be my... One and Only" Kit whispered into Ming's ear

His One and Only

His One and Only

Okay! That's it! That's the end!

Thank you guys for reading this, I'll be posting more Hating on Love chapters now!

Also Question:

What do you guys think of BTS? I know some of you answered my last question but I really want to know you guy's opinions!

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