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I slowly walked up to the door, speechless.
Ming was tightly holding on to his collar, his grip only got stronger as he watched me walk up to the door.
I gasped in disbelief. I looked at Ming, he had the same look from that night he said he could protect me. I grabbed Ming's arm .
"Ming..." he let go of his collar. But when he did this feeling came over me and I quickly gripped the guy's collar
"Why you?" I asked
I didn't care if he was P'Aim's fiancé.
"Kit, if I don't get to, you don't either" Ming said as he tapped my shoulder.
I quickly let go of him as N'Ming pulled P'Aim to the kitchen.
"Prem!" Ming yelled at P'Aim
"It's my life! He loves me okay, he really does" she yelled back
"No, he doesn't because he's a selfish bastard he doesn't care about anybody else except him self, that includes you..." Ming sounded so frustrated with her.
"You don't know him!" Her voice started cracking
"Like hell I don't! I know him better than you, and I can tell you he doesn't love you Aim"
"And why's that" she started getting angry
"Because he's GAY! He has no interest in you what so ever" he emphasized the word gay
"No he's not!" She yelled
"He tried chasing Kit and I bet that the only reason he started dating you is because he found out you're my sister, which means you know Kit" I was startled by the sound of Ming getting slapped, she slapped him.
"Shut up, you and your stupid Kit, that's all you talk about he's not even part of this family" she said crying
"Oh don't tell me to shut up, Aim you're the only one that needs to keep her mouth closed, you're older than me but you're so naive, you're so stupid, Kit is as much my family as you are even more right now, and if you say some other bullshit like that, I won't hesitate to cut you out of my life this time for good!" He yelled at her, she started sobbing uncontrollably.
I walked in slowly, Ming was startled by my presence.
"Consider your choices P'Aim" his tone cold and heartless

Later at the dinner Ming and I sat across Aim and Prem.
P'Aim bolted up in her seat, she looked at Ming then shifted her gaze towards me.
"N'Kit, I'm sorry for any inconvenience that Prem might have caused you but he truly has changed, and we're in love as we're getting married..." she said softly
"It's okay P'Aim no need to explain yourself" I said nodding my head.
Surprisingly we ate dinner peacefully, especially because Ming completely ignored Prem and Aim.

A while later P'Aim, Prem and Ming's mom were drinking, I wasn't in the mood to drink neither was Ming, I leaned in to whisper in his ear
"Can we talk in your room..." is asked
He nodded his head and said goodnight to everyone. We walked up to his room and I didn't hesitate to ask
"Why do you hate her so much..." he knew who I was talking about because his gaze shifted from the floor to me
"I don't hate her she's just different, she puts up an act for people, she hates you and I know she does..." he let out a deep sigh
"The reason my dad left all those years ago was because of my mom, she made him leave, but I didn't care because I supported my mom with every decision she made..." he sounded sad
"My dad always liked to keep things traditional, he was a homophobic asshole, he didn't like anything that felt different, so when my mom started feeling different he left her, he took my sister with him, he said I was already too ruined to bring along..."
"...he said my mom had already put all that 'equality bullshit' in my head, that there was no coming back from it..." he sighed again
"Your mom feeling different what does that mean..." I asked
"She came out as lesbian..." he didn't hesitate
"She started getting closer to this woman and my dad didn't like their friendship so he left my mom, because he felt there was something more than just the time they were just friends but after a few year of my mom being single they started dating, my mom was the happiest woman in the world."
"My dad and my sister were just two homophobic assholes P'Aim hates my mom, just like my dad she hates things that aren't traditional. She puts on an act for my mom but I can see right through her" his voice started cracking
"After a few years of my mom and that woman dating, she finally proposed to my mom and they got married secretly, I loved both my moms so much but through the years my dad still continues to hate on their love" he said sadly
"Me and Aim had lots of problems before, there were times where I wouldn't talk to her for months, one time it went as far as a year, one day she came out as lesbian herself because she was desperate and jealous, she would always find a way to make my girlfriends somehow fall in love with her" he sighed sadly
"I guess I do hate her, huh" his voice softer his eyes full of relief.

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