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Ming POV

I didn't know what to think. But I trusted P'Kit I wouldn't make the same mistake twice in a row.
But by the way P'Kit avoided his gaze, the fear in his eyes, I could just assume he was the one threatening P'Kit.

My mind went blank, I knew that if P'Kit wasn't there I would have already beaten this guy up. I didn't care if he was my senior.

"So Kit this is the guy you rejected me for" P'Prem said with a smile on his face.
P'Kit just looked at the floor, he pulled my arm like telling me to leave it alone.
P'Kit walked up to the door and unlocked it, he looked up at me his eyes telling me to get inside.
I walked inside and leaned against the wall, I really, really wanted to beat this guy up.


N'Ming was just glaring at me while I collected the stuff I needed to give Pha. There was anger in his eyes, that was all you could see when you looked at him, just anger steaming out his eyes.

"P'Kit, is he the one threatening you?" He said in a cold tone
I froze, his voice gave me goosebumps, I nodded.
"are you finished" he said with the same cold tone. I nodded again.
"Okay, lets go" he said
As I opened the door N'Ming pulled my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine, he pulled me all the way to the car. Making sure P'Prem saw him.

"What the hell, Ming!" I yelled
He gave a cold stare for a few long seconds before pulling a smile
"Marking my territory, he touches you, he's dead" he looked serious all of a sudden, then he chuckled.
I knew N'Ming could get serious at times, but I didn't know he could be this protective.
This possessive.
We aren't even dating.

But on the way back he was still quiet, I mean it was just yesterday that we supposedly made up, I couldn't help but feel like some of that anger that was beaming off of him was towards me.
"N'Ming, look I know I didn't explain things to you correctly..."
"It's fine P'Kit, I know what you said that day wasn't aimed towards me, well maybe part of it wasn't"
I was confused none of it was aimed towards him, what part is he talking about.
He glared at me the whole way back to his dorm room.
"What is it honey?"
He said in a sweet to tone.
"Tsk, don't call me that N'Ming"
I signaled for him to sit down.
"Look, that day, I was waiting for you because I wanted to explain to you why I didn't go out with you"
"It's fine P'Kit really" he said
"No it's not, I forgot I had to meet with my professor the day we were going out and my phone died so I couldn't text nor call you to tell you I wouldn't be able to make it"
He started playing with his nails.
"But when I got home I called you and texted you and you didn't answer me"
He looked at me he seemed disappointed in himself.
"Sorry P'Kit"
"By that time Prem was already chasing me, I rejected him but he wouldn't leave me alone, that's why you heard me say that"
He looked up at me and smirked.
What, why was he smirking.

Ming POV

"What is it?" He said in a concerned tone
"Well, part of it was about me you know" I teased
"No it wasn't, N'Ming were you even listening" he yelled
"Of course I was P', but if you think about it you rejected him because of me!" I teased him even more.
He gasped and put his face in his hands. He looked up at me and his face was red, just red. Was I correct.

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