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Ming POV

I've decided to take P'Kit to class everyday, to make sure he's okay and gets there safe.

I don't know if he is still scared I just want him to trust me, I want him to know he can come to me anytime he feels unsafe.

"N'Ming, can you take me to the store I need to buy some stuff" he asked
"Okay, give me a kiss first"I teased
He rolled his eyes
"I'll dive myself then" he said a serious look on his face.
I frowned at him
"P'Kit, please, please just one"I pleaded
He leaned in and gave me a kiss on my cheek, he was smiling so wide his dimples were showing, bigger than usual.
I raised my eyebrow in surprise and he quickly blushed, he turned around and stormed out the room.


Why is P'Kit taking so long in there what was he doing.
I stormed inside the store looking for P'Kit and stopped.

"Cmon, P'Kit just leave Ming and come with me, I'll treat you better" P'Prem said in a low voice
"Just leave me alone, P'Prem please..."
My blood was boiling, I walked up behind P'Kit.
"Oh look the gallant prince came to save his princess" P'Prem chuckled

I don't know what came over me in that second. A pump of adrenaline filled my body. I balled up my fist and hit him right in the jaw. I was filled with adrenaline to even think.
He held his jaw for a second before laughing hysterically.
"If you touch P'Kit again or talk to him like that..." I paused
"...i'll kill you"
I didn't have time to take that back. I didn't want to take that back, I wasn't going to kill him. I didn't want to hurt anyone but I also wasn't gonna let anyone talk to P'Kit like that, I wasn't going to let anyone talk to my boyfriend like that.


What the hell just happened.
N'Ming stormed out the store and I quickly paid for my things and walked out behind him.
I walked to the car and climbed in. I looked at his eyes and they were filled with sadness. It looked like he was on the verge of crying but he didn't. He took a deep breath and started the engine.


He opened the door and walked straight to the balcony. He stood there the whole afternoon he never walked back inside.

I woke up at 2:35am and reached my arm to the opposite side of the bed trying to put my arm around Ming but he wasn't there. I quickly sat up on the bed and searched for him. Then I saw him standing outside in the balcony, I walked outside and stood beside him.
"N'Ming it's late come sleep" I pulled his sleeve
"I'm sorry P'Kit, I just want to protect you I want you to feel safe wherever you go, I'm sorry I'm not of much help" I could notice he was holding his tears back
I turned his body making him face me.
In that moment I was wide awake, the only thing on my mind was comforting Ming, the only thing I could think about was him. In that moment I felt super confident.
I held his cheek in my hand, and made him look me in the eyes.
"N'Ming I feel safe with you, you are the person that makes me feel more like myself, you are are the person that makes me carefree" I said in a soft tone.
He smiled at me. I saw tears glistening in his eyes but he wouldn't cry.
I leaned in giving him a light kiss, feeling his soft lips touch mine. Our first kiss. I took a deep breath.
"N'Ming, I love you"those words rolled off my tongue like I've said them a million times before, but they were true, they were new to him, they seemed like the only honest words I've said in my entire life. I meant them.

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