I don't like men

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She continued talking
"You know I haven't seen him like this in such a long time..."
"...last time I saw him like this was the time our dad left and that was a decade ago"
I couldn't find a proper response so I let her continue talking.
"You broke him..." she chuckled sadly
"My mom was so proud of him for finally finding someone whom he loves very much, but now, now she's just disappointed, not in him but in you N'Kit for hurting him like that" she paused, her voice started cracking.
"You broke him..." she said again
"All I ever wanted was the best for him, he talked about you all the time when we were together, so I wanted to make sure that you were as great as he made you out to be..."
She started crying.
"I guess... I guess I also played a big part on making him feel like this"
"No, I don't want you to feel like that, you're his sister, he'll forgive you"
I managed to get the words out of my throat

Ming POV

I entered P'Aim's room and heard her talking on the phone with P'Kit, she had a habit for putting people on speaker.
"But he still really loves you" she said wiping her tears
"You know he was really excited about bringing you here for your break..." she said softly
"Wait, what!? He was going to take me to his house" P'Kit sounded surprised
I left the room before I hear anything else his voice made me queasy, made my hands shake and eyes tear up.
I didn't hear anymore of their conversation. I just know that I'll have to spend my birthday without the person I love the most. 


I hung up as soon as P'Aim told me her address.
I got a reminder in my phone, telling me to pick up N'Ming's birthday cake tomorrow.
Tomorrow was his birthday and I had everything planned for us to spend the day together.
I pulled up on a large beautiful white house it was really beautiful, it looked like it was taken care of very well. I go up to the door and N'Ming immediately swings the door open, it was officially past midnight, officially his birthday.
"Happy birthday..." I said in a soft voice
His eyes were tearing up.
"You said you didn't have a boyfriend, you said you didn't like guys..." he said, breathing heavily.
"I don't like guys N'Ming and you don't either..."
"I didn't fall in love with your gender N'Ming, I fell in love with you" I said softly
I looked up at him, his eyes glowed with excitement.
The truth is neither of us like guys, because we like each other, we love each other.
N'Ming just shook his head in disbelief.
"I know I screwed up by denying that I had a boyfriend or that I was even in a relationship, but I'm willing to tell the whole world if it means you'll forgive me... please" I pleaded
He continued to shake his head then he abruptly pulled me inside.
"You bastard!" he yelled, a satisfied smile on his face

How can I be so dumb. I love this man. So much.

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