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( this is chapter 19 but where Ming rejects Kit's offer)


He blinked his eyes in confusion, and pushed me off his lap, he looked at me with such sadness in his eyes
"Kit..." he shifted his gaze to the floor
"I don't want you to do something you'll regret later"
"Regret later! I won't regret shit!" I yelled
"P'Kit, I don't want to do it like this, P'Kit the fact that I bought a house for us doesn't mean you're ready" he grabbed my hands
"Who are you to tell me if I'm ready or not!" I said pulling my hands away
"I don't want to wait anymore Ming, there are a bunch of people out there willing to do it with you, people who are ready... I'm ready" I started getting irritated
"That's the thing Kit, you think that because I'm not doing it with you I'm doing it with somebody else!" He yell
"Kit you're just not ready, I don't want to rush you, I don't want you to feel like it's your responsibility to do it with me" his voice getting softer
He was right who was I kidding, I loved him but I wasn't completely ready yet
"I have to go run some errands, I'll be back to pick you up" he jumped up from the couch and left. I felt so cold, just ice cold, like the only thing that could make me feel warm and loved had just left me sitting here, Ming just left me sitting here. I walked up to the master bedroom and cried myself to sleep, I don't know if Ming came back for me, everything was such a blur after that.
I woke up my head was pounding from all that crying I did yesterday. I looked at the night stand and there was a bottle of painkillers and a glass of water, there was a yellow price of paper too, it was a note from Ming
"Sorry KitKat, I had to go run some errands, take the painkillers, I'll be there as soon as possible-Ming" I read the note out loud. So he did come back for me, but I'm still here, I got up and took a shower, as I was walking down stairs I heard someone walking in the house, Ming saw me and ran towards
"KitKat, are you okay I'm sorry" he frowned
"What for? I'm the one that messed up" I tried to clarify the situation
"Well, did you take the painkillers I left you" he smiled
"Yeah... how did you know I was going to need them" I raised my eyebrow
"You were crying so much last night, like you soaked your pillow in tears kinda crying, and I thought you'd probably have a headache when you woke up..." he frowned again
"I'm sorry Kit, are you sure you're not mad at me, is there anything I can do for you" he face beamed with disappointment
"Well I'm so damn hungry, get me some food..." I said rubbing my stomach
He smiled at me and lifted his arm up, showing me a bag with food
"That's the errand I went on P'Kit" he smiled
"Then serve me" I walked to the kitchen
"Oh, I'm sorry you're so 'butthurt' P'Kit" he snickered as he walked behind me,
Seriously this idiot doesn't think that it's too early be make jokes about that.

(Sorry for any grammatical errors)

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