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I jolted up in my bed sweat dripping down my forehead.
I woke up in shock.
I was already back in my dorm room. I turned my head and Ming was sleeping beside me. I rubbed my eyes and looked at his back again, a pool of blood was forming around his body, I wiped my sweat and realized it wasn't sweat it was blood. Out of the corner of my eye I see it, him Prem standing at the door, dressed in all black, a creepy smile on his face. He suddenly ran towards me.

I jolted up in my bed sweat dripping down my forehead.
I woke up in shock.
I was already back in my dorm room. I turned my head and Ming was sleeping beside me.
I sighed in relief, just another nightmare. I tapped him slightly but hard enough for him to wake up.
"What is it P'Kit" he mumbled
"I have to go to class, will you stay here" I asked
"Tsk, what class it's 12:30pm, P'Kit your class is already over" he chuckled
"I woke up a few hours ago, I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't budge" he said his eyes still closed.
"Then What are you doing still sleeping"I asked
"Well I got tired after cooking breakfast for my boyfriend"he teased
"N'Ming!"I yelled
He just smiled. I actually liked it, him calling me his boyfriend was pleasing to my ears.


The last few days I've been asking N'Ming to sleep at my room. I feel super uneasy about Prem especially after that nightmare, I've only had it once after that time and N'Ming knows nothing about it an I'd like to keep it that way.

"Thank you N'Ming for driving me to class today you don't have to walk me there too you know" I said
"But I want to P'Kit" he frowned at me
"Oka-" I was abruptly cut off by a familiar voice.
"Hey Kit, N'Ming" Prem said with an enthusiastic voice.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. My arms and legs felt heavy, my stomach felt queasy. I was going to be sick.

"N'Ming...can we go I think I'm going to be s-" I ran to the nearest restroom I could find and ran into the first stall,
I could hear N'Ming running in behind me.
"P'Kit...are you okay" he said in a soft voice.
"Leave N'Ming, can't you just leave me alone for once!" I yelled at him.

I was scared. I didn't want him to see me like this, but I didn't want him to leave, I wanted him to stay here with me and never let go of me.

"Cmon P'Kit, I'll take you home, I think it'll be okay if I skip today's class" he said

Ming POV

I don't know what happened to him. But it had something to do with P'Prem, I can just feel it.
I drove P'Kit home. I stayed there with him just in case he needed me.

"P' what happened to you, you looked fine to me" I asked
"Well..." he said in a soft voice.
He began to explain to me about his nightmares and everything that happened in them. He was genuinely scared of this guy, and I genuinely hated him.

"P'Kit, you're my boyfriend now you know you can tell me anything right..." I said
P'Kit just smiled and nodded his head. If P'Prem ever hurts Kit, I won't hesitate to hurt him.

I'll hurt him. I will.

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