Next Time

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(A little violence ahead)


"Cmon Ming lets finish watching the movie..." I said as I pulled him up from the ground, I always tried to be as nice as I could, I tried to be as humble as I could, but if this old bastard makes my Ming feel like that again, I won't asure his safety.

We ended up falling asleep on the couch, we were both just so comfortable there, Ming was cuddling me, a blanket around our bodies.
I woke up, I was still in the living room, but Ming wasn't there anymore I looked around for him until I finally found him in the kitchen, he was sitting at the table with a piece of cake in front of him
"Does the cake make you feel better... or worse" I said teasingly, I sat down beside him and he let out a long sigh
"I don't know how I feel P'Kit..." he started, I leaned my head on my palm, I nodded my head slightly letting him know he could continue
"I just hate that man so much... I always wanted his approval... but now I just hate him..." he said glaring at the cake
" are you mad at the cake or your father... look Ming... I know that you wanted your father to be there for you, to support you when nobody else would... but you don't need him anymore... okay, I'm here... your family is here... not with him" I said grabbing his hand
"If you're not going to eat the cake then let's go to sleep" I said pulling his arm
"Okay Kitty" he said following me upstairs
We got in bed and he cuddled me until we went to sleep

Ming POV

I woke up in the morning and realized that Kit wasn't in bed
"Kitty... KitKat... P'Kit!" I yelled, I heard someone walking into the front door and I ran downstairs, Kit walked into the door he was holding his chest, he was limping
"P'Kit!" I ran to hold him up
"What happened to you!" I yelled, he started sobbing
"I-I don't k-know, I was—" his body was shaking, he was cut off by his own sobbing, just then P'Oat entered my house
"Ow... he looks bad!" He laughed hysterically
"Next time make sure you don't threaten me... and if you are going to threaten me make sure you can go through with Mingkwan!" He laughed again, I was fed up with it.

I stood up and swung my first blow hitting him in the eye, he covered his eye with his hand, I punched him again in his jaw, he held it for a second, before I punched him in the nose, he fell to the ground, but seeing him in the ground wasn't enough for me, I kicked him once or twice in ribs and legs and at least once in his face, I climbed on top of him, tears were streaming down my face, I wrapped my hands around his neck
"Next time I threaten you like that... be sure you don't underestimate time, there might be no next time for you, you old bastard!" I said tightening my grip
"N'Ming stop! Stop it! N'Ming! You're gonna kill him!" Kit said pulling me off of him, P'Oat gasped for air, jumping up and running out the door

"What! Why did you stop me!" Tears still flowed down my cheeks
"I couldn't let you kill him Ming!" He yelled
"He's your father..." he mumbled still holding his chest
"My father... what kind of father does that... he hurt you! He can hurt me all he wants but you... look at you!" I yelled
"Just go grab the first aid kit please" he said in a calm voice
"I don't think I broke anything..." he said
"I can do this by self Ming... it's okay" he said
"No... I'm gonna help you" I said taking the first aid kit out of his hands, I helped him clean some wounds he had
"Wow... you sure know how to use a first aid kit, for being an engineering student..." he chuckled
"I'm an engineering student not stupid... plus Boy Scouts really helped me... you know" I said a grin on my face, he laughed
"Boy s-scouts!" He yelled and laughed again, he was holding his chest but that didn't stop him from laughing. I adore him.

After I helped him with the first aid kit, we sat on the couch and watched a movie
"Kit... do you have a class tomorrow?" I asked
"Yeah, I have two one in the morning and the other in the afternoon" he said looking at me
"Well don't go stay here... I'll stay here with you Okay" I said lookin back at him, he laid his head on my lap
"Okay" he responded and he pulled my arm over him, I laid my head back and with my other hand I played with his hair. I liked us like this, I loved him.

(Any grammatical errors? Sorry.)

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