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I sat down in the seat in front of him
"So... that was your mom" I asked
"Yeah..." he mumbled
"She's a pretty lady"
"Mhm" he hummed
"Where's she from"
"America, she moved here a few years before she met my mom" he stated
"Oh... why didn't you tell me Aim had a miscarriage... why didn't you tell me that was what was bothering you" I tried to stay calm
"I didn't want to involve you" he whispered
"You didn't want to involve me! Aren't I involved enough, I'm your family as much as them aren't I, isn't that what you said!" I slammed my hands on the table, he looked up at me with confusion, he got up from his chair and stood there for what seemed minutes
"Sorry P', may I please be excused from the table" he asked, like I was his boss, like I wasn't his boyfriend, I didn't even answer when he started to walk off. I needed some air or I was going to explode, I ran to the living room and snatched my car keys, putting on my shoes I fled through the door. Ming helped me bring my car back here, I climbed in the car and sat there for a few long seconds before starting the engine, I drove all the way to Beams dorm room. I walked in the room and saw something I couldn't erase off my mind
"Woah, sorry Beam... sorry Forth" I turned my body to face the door, what the hell was happening
"You idiot, knock on the goddamn door before you barge in!" Beam yelled pulling up his boxers, all Forth could do was chuckle and blush as he put his clothes back on
"What do you want Kit?" Beam asked frustrated, I turned my body to face him, him and Forth were sitting side by side on the bed
"I need your help... I feel helpless, like this right here is somehow the end of my relationship with Ming" my face was burning from embarrassment
"Talk to him, Kit use your charms, I already had enough of your family problems this morning" I tilted my head confused
"What?" Beam asked at my sudden reaction
"What family problems, we didn't even see you until like 3:30pm" Beam scratched the back of his neck
"Well Ming came by this morning and asked if I knew any good psychiatrists that he could talk to, he seemed in a hurry so I couldn't really help him much" I gulped at the sudden realization, that the errand Ming had to run this morning was this, he came to ask Beam for recommendations for a psychiatrist that could help him
"Sorry I thought you had talked about that with him..." he said as I turned my body around to walk out the door, as I walked out the door I was even more scarred
"Where were we... I'm still hot" Beams voice could still be heard, I gagged and ran to my car driving back home. I ran through the door and speed up stairs, I swung the door open to find Ming on the bed his arms were wrapped around his knees, he looked up at me and jumped up
"P'Kit, where were you..." he said with a concerned look on his face
"You scared me... I thought you left me but you left all your st-"
"Ming, you scared me too, talk to me please" he looked at me his eyes looked like they carried a waterfall ready to start flowing
"Was the errand you went on this morning to Beam's room... you asked him for a psychiatrist or ah... ah... psychologist" my body was shaking and my voice started cracking
"You could have come to me if you needed help, Ming, do you need he-" it was his turn to cut me off
"No, Kit it's not for me it's for Aim and my mom..." his voice was a little shaky
"You scared me... you scared me Ming, why won't you talk to me" I would have thought that he would be the one sobbing but I was the one shedding tears, these warm, uncontrollable damn tears.
"I'm sorry Kit I just haven't felt like myself these past few days" he said pulling me to his chest
"Why, instead of talking to me you just put up a smile for everyone" I said wrapping my arms around him
"I'm sorry..." he whispered. For what seemed hours Ming apologized for what had happened in the past few days, he apologized for not being with me in the morning, for not telling me about Aim, for not talking to me, none of it was his fault, I love him regardless.
We were up until 12:00 talking about how we met each other's families in such an early stage in our relationship. We laughed, we cried, we showered, we went to sleep.

Ming POV

I opened my eyes, I was having difficulty breathing I could feel Kit laying beside me, but I could move, I was stuck in this position, all of a sudden I felt something or someone touching me, it wasn't Kit, out of the corner of my eye I see a man, we was a well dressed man, he looked wealthy he looked at me and pulled a smile, a smile so scary it could keep me up for days. I abruptly bolted up in bed, I was struggling to catch my breath, I've heard about this type of stuff, sleep paralysis or something like that, it was just to much for me to handle.
"Ming are you okay..." Kit sat up beside me
"Yeah I just had a nightmare..." I said sending him back to sleep


Me and Kit woke up early to cook breakfast
"I know you want to kiss me Kit" I said, he was standing in front of me, he was leaning on the counter next to the sink.
"I do?" He said surprised
"Before I kiss you Mr. Ming do you want to tell me, is there anymore family of yours I should know about" he said acting like a tv show host
"Is there anymore family of yours I should know about" I teased, he raised his eyebrow and swung his arms around my neck, he stood on his tiptoes and pressed his soft lips against mine
"Oh is that all you got P'Kit" I said pulling him on top of the counter, he flashed a shy smile before leaning in and kissing me again, I pressed my tongue against his lips asking for entrance, he parted his lips and let my tongue take over his mouth, he let out a light moan inside my mouth. We were interrupted by somebody at the door, knocking
"Oh P'Kit saved by the bell" I smirked as he ran to the couch behind me, I walked up to the front door and swung it open.
"Yes..." I was in shock, this bastard really had te audacity to show up at my house like that. I couldn't believe it.

(They finally made up, that also have been having visitors lately no time to be alone, wonder who this one is. Sorry for any grammatical errors)

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