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The air around her howled in her ear as she stepped out into the breezy wind of her District

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The air around her howled in her ear as she stepped out into the breezy wind of her District. Her eyes were frozen into a a narrow look, her gaze almost stone cold as she took a deep breathe. Her hair flew behind her, as she watched waves crashing with the shore. 

Ella White was a name that often were used in hushed whispers, she was talked about for so long she forgot all the people who actually knew her. Ella was a victor from the 68th Hunger Games, she wasn't proud to be, but she was alive. She was merely another survivor from the games rather than a winner.

It was something that was always on the tip of every Victor's tongue, the fact that they were barely survivors from the games Because it always seemed to be following them around, haunting them like shadows. 

It was worse in the beginning.

But seven years later, you learn to subside the memories of what had happened in the games. There were so many variations of the games in her mind that Ella didn't even remember what exactly had happened.

Ella lived in the Victor's Village with her older brother, he was the only family she had left after her parents death. He was the only one who knew how to help Ella out of her trance that often occurred, especially after everything that had happened. She was only 17 when she was reaped and the moment would never leave her memory.

As she stood at the store, her back facing the line of houses that didn't contain enough Victor's to fill up the small living area, Ella kicked at the pebble that surrounded the beach, finally taking a seat.

"Snow has an announcement for the Victor's today."

A voice had announced, the person was obviously male, the voice was familiar and cocky as they took a seat next to her.

"I don't care." Ella seethed.

Finnick raised his eyebrows at her in amusement, shaking his head while in thought. "Yeah, you do."

Ella ignored his remark, not bothering to take notice of the grin that was etched on his face while he spoke to her. "He never has anything important to say."

"That's true but something tells me it's going to be different this year." Finnick stated.

Ella nodded, pursing her lips into a thin line. She stared off at the sunset, it was always this time that the two would accompany each other. It seemed to be a hopeless tradition but nonetheless they did it everyday for almost 5 years.

Finnick and Ella's relationship was different then any other in the world, it was complicated yet simple, it was heartwarming but concerning but most of all it was them being the most supportive in the others life.

All her life, Ella had struggled to understand the world she lived in, why it was the way it was, and it was all to avoid a fair rebellion, a rightful one because of what the Capitol has been doing for so long.

"I hate them." Ella started with a clenched jaw, attracting the attention of Finnick. "I hate all of them, Finnick."

It seemed that the boy who always had something to stay, was staying quiet. He sighed as he nodded his head softly. "I know."

Ella pulled her knees to her chest as she wondered what could have possibly been the announcement that the President had to made days before the next reaping and days before the both of then would be back on the train, to assess and train the new tributes that hope to make it out alive but never do.

Finnick out his arm around her, pulling her into his chest, with her head resting on his shoulder. "I hate going back there."

Ella stayed quiet, knowing very well that her silence meant an agreement to his statement. She was the first to know about what the Capitol had done to him and how much he hated it, his cocky front was always stripped away when Ella was around. He didn't need to act like he was a prince.

"When will this ever end?"

Ella shook her head sadly, closing her eyes at the light, refreshing breeze that passed by.

"I'm surprised The Hunger Games still exist after what Everdeen did, last year." Ella spoke out.

Finnick hummed, shrugging his shoulder lightly. "It was brave."

Ella scoffed slightly. "It was, but it's gonna make things worse for her."

"How is that Ms.White?" Finnick asked suddenly.

"I don't know, Snow is an asshole, he has a sick mind, God knows what he would do to her. I mean he did shit to you and he killed my parents." Ella bursted, with a sigh she lifted her head, shaking her head. "Let's go."

After a while the two had departed to their own houses as Ella and Logan gathered around the small area in by their Villa, they watched the speech that the President was doing. He had a sly, cunning smile on his face and for a minute Ella wondered how people in the Capitol actually believed in him or his words. The man spoke about the Quarter Quell and how it had a certain significance to the games every, 25 years.

President Snow continued to speak but it left Ella unimpressed as she sat on the sofa with her brother paying close attention to the television, Ella found no use in paying attention until he started speaking about this particular Quarter Quell. "And now we honor our third Quarter Quell. On the 75th anniversary, as a reminder to throw rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool if Victor's."

Baffled expressions cross onto the faces of the audience in the Capitol, nobody being able to comprehend the meaning behind the words of the president. And for a moment even Ella didn't understand, she furrowed her eyebrows just as a loud scream was let out from her neighbor, Annie Cresta, the girl who had gone crazy after the games.

Logan yelled out curses to the Capitol as he through his plate across the holographic screen, a strong whimper escaped his lips when he turned around with tears in his soft eyes. And thats when it hit her.

Before she could understand what she was doing, Ella was on the floor, her knees practically sinking into her carpet as her hand covered her mouth in shock. A shriek left her own lips, one almost replicating the one Annie had released.

Sobbing as her brother wrapped his arms around her, Ella let out another painful scream, the after shock of the announcement hitting her hard. Ella White had a chance of returning to the games, and it was all because of the President himself.

Ella was suddenly enveloped in anger, her hands were shaking furiously as she stood up screamed, her eyebrows were narrowed and her lungs were on fire. "I'm gonna kill him! I'm gonna kill Snow! I'll kill him in front of the whole of Panem!"

Logan White immediately grabbed a hold of her waist, not knowing why she was pouncing at the screen as if she could jump into it and end up in Snows vicinity. With one last loud intake of breathe, Ella collapsed onto her brother, tears of rage leaving her eyes.

She was going back into the Arena.



Prologue is up and I'm quite proud, I hope you like it so far and I'm hoping you'll vote and comment to let me know? Anyway I don't know when I'm going to update the first chapter but so far I'm loving this

Also how pretty is Alycia? And let's not forget about Daniel Sharman and Sam omg this cast is hot as shit.

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